
Any olitz fans out there? I'm ready to start writing again I have some ezria coming but I wanna release some olitz and olake? 


I promise I haven't forgot about you... but today was the day wow... but hey my ezria one shots I'm going to make a Lucian one or maybe even a book and I love it the concept of it but your next chapter will be by the end of this week and then I will update once or twice a week until I finish. I'm emotional today has been a ride 


I've been asked if I'm ending this book in 3 or 4 weeks when Pll is back. not exactly sure. still have more story I want to tell. I haven't given you many chapters so I might just pull it along throughout 7a. maybe not. just depends how much of the story line I give you with these next few weeks. I haven't reached the point I feel comfortable ending it in that amount of time yet. so as of now... No. tomorrow? possibly. 


so I might post 1 more one shot by my next book. man I'm so in love with it and I hope you will be too. can't decide wether to post it Tuesday or by Friday. either way. prepare. I'm gonna write mostly about what I believe will happen leading into season 7 and then a new story for them. I don't I deleted the first few chapters after watching tonight's epsiodes. so I'll be writing them. I feel like I need to start it where ezria leaves off in the show again. but it's going to be the same concept. it has the same twists the story planned to have in the first place. which I love. but anyways I honestly can't wait for you all to read