
Guess who’s back, back again


          Just watched the first episode of the last of us (I’m still playing through the game) 
          but Pedro Pascal is such a good fit for Joel, from what I’ve watched and played through, he fits the role so incredibly well like *chefs kiss* 
          (and my opinion is probably biased because Mr. Pascal plays as Mando who I absolutely adore so…)


I ducking hate myself, I can never have nice things cuz I constantly f*ck them up and I hate it. I don’t get to have good friends because I leave them first, scared they’ll leave me or I find someone who I enjoy spending time with and I ask them something stupid and they leave me. I hate that I’m the reason I can’t have nice things, it sucks. 
          Sorry for venting, I’ve just had a bit of a bad day and you guys shouldn’t have to deal with my bs. 
          No I’m not saying that for attention, the fact that I’m saying that is bs. And again I’m sorry


I find it so weird that, as Canadians we celebrate thanksgiving in October ( I think ). So when  Americans say “happy thanksgiving” it feels weird because I celebrated it a month earlier. I don’t know. I just thought it was cool but weird but still cool,  just thought I’d share.  Happy thanksgiving 


Dang, I never thought about that


@ Bjorn_Enberg69  when swedish people don't celebrate it at all:


I wanna move to Gotham City, for those who know me irl they understand but in basics I want to move from one sh!thole to another for a fresh start and Gotham City was a big part of my growing up and also living with the Wayne’s sounds like a dream come true tbh


But yeah- that’s my take on Gotham, what’s yours (for those who don’t know it’s DCU stuff )