
When it comes to books (whether original fiction, nonfiction, or fanfiction) do you  prefer short-stories, stand-alone novels, series, trilogies, etc.?
          	I usually prefer Trilogies because they make the most sense to me. a beginning, a middle, and an end without having to weave too many plot elements and make it convoluted or dilute certain aspects of characters or descriptions like longer series tend to do. 
          	But lately I've REALLY been diggin' stand-alones, because I am addicted to that empty feeling of reading something so good, so poetic and moving, and SO short. To invoke all of those feelings in one go? That's bold and when its done well, I'm left thinking about it for months. and even when it's done in a fashion that could be set up for a future series, it's pretty okay too but it doesn't hit as hard as knowing it's just d o n e. finished. that's the end. I just like the sense of ambiguity stand-alone novels leave me with.


@aBitGrim YES! It's so impressive when an author can cohesively put together an entire tale in one book. How do they do it? How many notes and tweaks did it take? I can barely finish writing a single book in a series lol


@sun_jin I really like stand alone books! I find it really impressive if a writer can wrap up a whole story in one book, but I don't mind trilogies since it's great to have a lot of content for stuff I really like! 


When it comes to books (whether original fiction, nonfiction, or fanfiction) do you  prefer short-stories, stand-alone novels, series, trilogies, etc.?
          I usually prefer Trilogies because they make the most sense to me. a beginning, a middle, and an end without having to weave too many plot elements and make it convoluted or dilute certain aspects of characters or descriptions like longer series tend to do. 
          But lately I've REALLY been diggin' stand-alones, because I am addicted to that empty feeling of reading something so good, so poetic and moving, and SO short. To invoke all of those feelings in one go? That's bold and when its done well, I'm left thinking about it for months. and even when it's done in a fashion that could be set up for a future series, it's pretty okay too but it doesn't hit as hard as knowing it's just d o n e. finished. that's the end. I just like the sense of ambiguity stand-alone novels leave me with.


@aBitGrim YES! It's so impressive when an author can cohesively put together an entire tale in one book. How do they do it? How many notes and tweaks did it take? I can barely finish writing a single book in a series lol


@sun_jin I really like stand alone books! I find it really impressive if a writer can wrap up a whole story in one book, but I don't mind trilogies since it's great to have a lot of content for stuff I really like! 


I know it’s late as heck buuuut I have NOT died. Just throwing it out there !! I did want to update my dearly beloved readers and friends that I am going to take down all of the chapters for ATIA to revise them. In the time I’ve been MIA I’ve had a lot of life events, changes, and growth. I don’t feel the same as I used to but not in a way that makes me want to quit writing fanfics or writing in general, but possibly delve into it a little deeper than I was (because I’m going to keep it real, I feel like I’m not using all of my potential. I’m holding me back for sure. No más!) and this story is short enough right now that I can rework it to reflect that. To be happier with it. To let people enjoy a different world where everything isn’t just what it is. 
          I might do the same to TotS at some point but I’ve been saying that for a while (as well as finishing it. I promise I know how it ends it’s just so gosh darn hard to DO. curse you, wonky brain.) 
          Anyway thanks for tuning in <3 -SJ


@sun_jin Excited to see whatever you do ^-^ Hope things are going well for you. Take care 


Attention all Heroes!! It’s official!!! U.A. Storytellers have posted the first chapter to our first-ever huge crossover! I’m so so so proud to have worked with all these talented and hardworking  writers that went Plus Ultra on this project. Please show some love and check them all out <3


Hey everyone, I just thought I’d make an announcement that I’ve been going through a lot. Some bad, some good, but life has been more than hectic and I’m working on getting everything back together. I’m not dead nor have I abandoned my stories. TotS is so hard to finish because ugh… MY HEART. And Im still working on ATIA. I appreciate y’all and hope everyone is doing okay ❤️


@sun_jin It's nice to hear from you after a long time. Hope everything goes well for you and you can come back to writing. 


Good evening, marvelous novelist!! I'm here from the November Novel Challenge to tell you you're killing it! While some goals may taunt us when not reached, this is your sign that you are still being super productive and awesome whether it be in writing or being a responsible adult. Either way, however it may be, I gotta say they you are doing fan-flippin-tastic! I believe in you!! 
          All the best wishes to you <3


@aBitGrim you’re so sweet and so appreciated, Grim!! 