
Happy pride month!!! <3333


You guys comment so sweetly :') literally so kind even when I somehow write something out of a box of screws and scraps and upload it expecting the worse. I know it must feel like a quick one-minute thing to leave a comment, but it really does mean more than you guys know! I encourage you all to do the same to other authors and fics, even if it's the simple heart emoji or a thumbs up. I promise you they'll love it.


Yessssa this is so true!! Luv u<3


2.5k lovely followers :) !!!!!! Thankful for you all so much, and now I'm curious: Which fic made you want to follow in the first place?


@sweetenerss  The shadow!! It's actually so good thank yoouuu


congrats!! good grief and black luck 


I need to get back into reading fics. I always get distracted by some manic need to write and then I never end up finishing anything. I don’t think I’ve finished a fic on here in years lol. (Suggest me ur fav fics plz & ty)


@sweetenerss Okay I thought I had a lot but not that much in english actually so here's some that you might like:
            Supernatural fic :
             -The runt of the litter by pieandthewinchester (super talented, there is no real plot to it it's just dumps of stories but they are really good, and you should go to the latest chapters that are better than the first one) 
            - Definitely a Winchester, and it's sequel Definitely a hunter by sleepyhalo (amazing I loved it)
            Harry Potter fic:
            - Muggle by TinaX2 (So this author is a genius, they wrote 4 books on HP and you can read them seperately but they are actually linked to one another, so if you read book 2 before 1 it's alright but you will know things that changes your experience of book 1, it's really cool.)
            - Sweet melodies by lalaladyplum (Just a cute love story) 
            -Anything on the marauders ahaha
            Marvel/Avangers (don't know if you're into that): 
            - Young god/Warrior/Heroine by -marvel (The third one is not over, but honestly it's really good, well-written and the story of the protagonist is great , a bit cliché but great.)
            -A twist of Marvel by GeneralOfLoki (won the wattys, it's pretty cool and the character really has an impact on what happens in the movies)
            Hope it was helpful and not too long :)


@sweetenerss I also have a favorite reading list you can check out, some of them aren't finished though. Halevetica is great at writing fanfics.


@sweetenerss Feel free to check out my reading lists, I've done my best to organise them


Challengers movie was so good it’s definitely my top movie of the year so far. It felt like I was watching the ultimate tea spill the entire time. I love when a love triangle triangles yk?!?! Those boys need to be together!!!


Confession: back in my day when I was watching teen wolf live as it was airing, I was a Stalia shipper. TO THIS DAY I still thing Stalia is a better ship than Stydia. 


yes exactly omg!!! you articulated it perfectly!! and it was just so heartbreaking to see everyone forget stiles!! even his BEST friend, couldn’t remember but somehow lydia did??? it didn’t seem right to me, but i know what you mean; the writers definitely were going for that vibe. but seriously from the second that stiles comforted malia in eichen house and the connection they established there, i was rooting for them 100%!! and their break up felt honestly like a something out of left field, i didn’t expect it and the writers kind of undermined the entire connection that they’d built up to that point :(


@IupinsgirI Yes! Malia clearly loved Stiles and she made sure to tell him how much he meant to her, and we got to see Stiles fall back in love with her through all these small little moments. Malia helped build Stiles' confidence, and he helped her find her place in the world now that she wasn't just a coyote. There was so much built between them that when they broke up (worst break up ever btw) it was confusing. It felt like there was no solid resolution to them, which made Stydia starting kind of weird in my head if that makes sense. I loved how much Lydia realized Stiles mattered to her when he saved her and she remembered him, but I always wondered why. Why was she even the one who remembered him when arguably it was so one-sided between them before and Stiles had far more profound connections to Scott and Malia? It was Stiles' love for her that I saw, but I never saw her love for him until she was breaking down thinking she was going crazy for remembering a ghost. I think the writers were going for "you don't know what you have until you lose them" but if they wanted the slow burn to pay off then they would have shown her fall in love or at the very least start to feel attracted to Stiles during the seasons prior. That way, the realization would have hit that much harder and the relationship would feel more solid rather than one-sided.


no this is actually real but for me its because of how lydia treated him, in the end it was heartwarming to see how she cared for him and loved him but i wish theyd done a better job of showing her feelings develop! i love stalia bc of how malia cared abt stiles and just things like “i would never leave you” yk? i feel like they had more of a foundation for a relationship and i think they could’ve lasted and been very happy together. stiles was also finally getting to be the one who got the girl in a sense and i think it rlly helped build up his confidence with malia backing him at times when scott wouldn’t 