
Well, I was already kind of invisible. I was so quiet and shy, people acted like I was invisible. They'd often drown me out and talk over me, which was fine with me, most of the time. But sometimes, I wished I could be more outspoken, more outgoing. I wished I could be seen, but I was too scared.
          	As I went to the table, my mother had served me eggs, forgetting that I didn't like them. She always forgot that. I rarely reminded her, since it wasn't a big deal. I forced some of the eggs down and dumped the rest of them in the trash when she wasn't looking. It was rather difficult to do this without being noticed, and it would've been much easier to remind her that I didn't like eggs, but I didn't want to start anything.
          	As usual, my parents and brother were deep in discussion, while I quietly ate my breakfast without saying a word. I wanted to tell them about a project I had finished and was going to hand in at school, but I knew they wouldn't listen. But they were paying full attention to my brother when he talked about what he was going to do. He had no problem being seen, unlike me. He was always so loud and outspoken. But he actually did see me. He certainly saw me while he was tormenting me.
          	So when he looked around the table and said, "Hey, where is she?", I thought he was making fun of me. He often teased me in such ways for being so quiet. So I simply rolled my eyes and reluctantly raised a spoonful of eggs to my mouth.
          	Then, my parents let out a scream. "The eggs! They're floating in midair!" my mother screamed.
          	I dropped the spoon while jumping. What were they talking about?
          	"Did we just imagine that?" my father asked. "Did the spoon with eggs rise into the air and then fall?"
          	"Maybe we did," my mother agreed. "It must've been a trick of the light."
          	I scowled. Were they making fun of me? Had they gathered beforehand and agreed to play some elaborate joke on me?
          	I said, "Very funny, you guys."


They looked around. "Who was that?" my mother asked frantically.
          	  They had such confused, frightened looks on their faces that I started to doubt that they were joking. My brother especially isn't a good actor. He can barely pretend to look sorry after making fun of me.
          	  I got up, scraping my chair back. They all jumped, gasping. "The chair just moved!" my mother declared.
          	  I walked over to the full-length mirror by the door and gazed into it. To my shock, there was no reflection. I only saw the wall. Then I glanced down at my feet. They weren't there. I held my hands out in front of me, and almost screamed. I couldn't see them either.
          	  At first, I was shocked, and was ready to tell my family how I was really there.
          	  But then I got an idea. I was a little mad at my family. They were always ignoring me, making fun of me. I wanted to get back at them. I couldn't help playing a few jokes on them. I kicked my brother in the ankle, like he often did with me. I thought he wouldn't feel it, but he did, and yelped. I turned the newspaper over so my father lost his place in the part he was reading. As my mother was pouring a glass of orange juice to drink, like she always did when she was worried, I caused her to spill it over the kitchen floor. No use crying over spilled milk, right?
          	  I had to hold back laughs and snickers.



@unknownAZ111 I only just saw your message, but okay, I'll check it out. I've been writing spooky books as well.


Well, I was already kind of invisible. I was so quiet and shy, people acted like I was invisible. They'd often drown me out and talk over me, which was fine with me, most of the time. But sometimes, I wished I could be more outspoken, more outgoing. I wished I could be seen, but I was too scared.
          As I went to the table, my mother had served me eggs, forgetting that I didn't like them. She always forgot that. I rarely reminded her, since it wasn't a big deal. I forced some of the eggs down and dumped the rest of them in the trash when she wasn't looking. It was rather difficult to do this without being noticed, and it would've been much easier to remind her that I didn't like eggs, but I didn't want to start anything.
          As usual, my parents and brother were deep in discussion, while I quietly ate my breakfast without saying a word. I wanted to tell them about a project I had finished and was going to hand in at school, but I knew they wouldn't listen. But they were paying full attention to my brother when he talked about what he was going to do. He had no problem being seen, unlike me. He was always so loud and outspoken. But he actually did see me. He certainly saw me while he was tormenting me.
          So when he looked around the table and said, "Hey, where is she?", I thought he was making fun of me. He often teased me in such ways for being so quiet. So I simply rolled my eyes and reluctantly raised a spoonful of eggs to my mouth.
          Then, my parents let out a scream. "The eggs! They're floating in midair!" my mother screamed.
          I dropped the spoon while jumping. What were they talking about?
          "Did we just imagine that?" my father asked. "Did the spoon with eggs rise into the air and then fall?"
          "Maybe we did," my mother agreed. "It must've been a trick of the light."
          I scowled. Were they making fun of me? Had they gathered beforehand and agreed to play some elaborate joke on me?
          I said, "Very funny, you guys."


They looked around. "Who was that?" my mother asked frantically.
            They had such confused, frightened looks on their faces that I started to doubt that they were joking. My brother especially isn't a good actor. He can barely pretend to look sorry after making fun of me.
            I got up, scraping my chair back. They all jumped, gasping. "The chair just moved!" my mother declared.
            I walked over to the full-length mirror by the door and gazed into it. To my shock, there was no reflection. I only saw the wall. Then I glanced down at my feet. They weren't there. I held my hands out in front of me, and almost screamed. I couldn't see them either.
            At first, I was shocked, and was ready to tell my family how I was really there.
            But then I got an idea. I was a little mad at my family. They were always ignoring me, making fun of me. I wanted to get back at them. I couldn't help playing a few jokes on them. I kicked my brother in the ankle, like he often did with me. I thought he wouldn't feel it, but he did, and yelped. I turned the newspaper over so my father lost his place in the part he was reading. As my mother was pouring a glass of orange juice to drink, like she always did when she was worried, I caused her to spill it over the kitchen floor. No use crying over spilled milk, right?
            I had to hold back laughs and snickers.


I’ll post this here from my phone and then copy and paste it onto my computer. It’s from an ask the Winchesters thing that got deleted.
          I’ve thought about it quite a bit, to be honest. I think I’d have gotten into a lot less trouble growing up if I’d been the oldest in the family. Dean always had a way of making the stupidest ideas sound like great adventures. Yeah, until we got caught and got our rear ends beat, that is. What am I talking about? He still seems to be able to talk me into going along with his crazy schemes. Luckily, we’ve managed to survive them so far.  But, I keep wondering when and if our luck will run out.  Sympathy? For my brother? The guy who relishes bossing me around, smacking me whenever he has a chance and generally wears obnoxiousness as if it’s some kind of badge of honor? Are you kidding? Hell, I’d love to pay him back for all the times he laid into me.  All kidding aside though, I don’t hold any grudges against Dean. He was a kid too and he did the best he could trying to take care of me.  Plus, he got his fair share of spankings from Dad whenever I got into trouble while he was supposed to be watching me, so it all kind of evened out in the end.  Thanks for your questions, Luvspnl. ~Sam
          Don’t beat yourself up, darlin’. Your opinion is as valid as mine or anyone else’s.  Hell, I know I’m not always right and I know some would disagree with the way I raised my boys, but I’m not gonna hold it against you. And if Dean’s done something to offend you, I wanna know about it. He’s still my kid and if he owes you an apology, then he’ll be apologizing or else. I raised him and Sam to be respectful to women and to their elders, and I don’t care how old they get, they better remain respectful. And again, never apologize for giving your opinion – just be willing to back it up with a right cross if you need to. ;-)  - JW


            But, to be honest, having one younger sibling is enough for me, and I don't think I'd want the added headache of having to watch out for another kid. Sammy's more than enough. - D.W.


Very special circumstances, Luvspnl.  I graduated from high school.  I honestly don’t think Dad was completely sure I’d ever make it through those years with a diploma to show for it. School just wasn’t my thing. Sam on the other hand, practically lived, breathed and ate textbooks. Which is probably why I’m a chick magnet and he’s not…Anyway, yeah, I got the old sheepskin at 18 and Dad gave me the keys to my baby. One of the best damn days of my life. I actually had use of the Impala before that, but she wasn’t ‘mine’.  Dad had bought his truck when I turned 16, so that he could leave the car with me and Sam when he went off on hunts, just in case, you know? But, when he wasn’t out on a job, the Impala was still his and he drove it. So, getting it handed over to me completely was a big deal to me. And as you can see, I’ve taken the responsibility for her very seriously.  Hell, she’s saved my ass more than a few times.  Love that car… - D. Winchester
            Hey there. Didn't catch your name, but um, yeah sure, sometimes I've thought about what it would've been like to have a sister. Maybe a little sister, you know? Then, I'd get to play big brother for once. Dean sure seems to enjoy that role. LOL. With our lifestyle, I'm not sure that she wouldn't have turned out to be quite the tom-boy though. Dean would probably see her as just one more person to watch after and protect. God knows, he calls me a girl enough as it is…jerk… ~Sam
            So, too shy to give your name? Doesn't matter, I'm outgoing enough for the both of us, darlin'. And I've never really given it much thought. Sammy pretty much acts like a girl anyways, so it's sort of like I've got a sister already, you know? Jo was kinda like a sister to me and Sam. An annoying, obnoxious younger sister that you just wanted to smack sometimes…nevertheless, it was fun teasing her and she did make pretty good bait for that serial killing ghost back in Philly.


Hi, Run Away Us is such an interesting story I would have loved to read even more of it. The author is really talented though and I loved his storytelling technique. Thanks for uploading it. 


@dorothylensa The author is riakida, I think it's a she. That's what I find interesting about SPN, most of the fanfic writers are female and write male characters. Especially Minx999. Her livejournal got deleted, but her fics are on her website.