
Watching "You've got Mail" and crying because they don't make movies like that anymore. 
          	Also where can I find a chat room where I can talk to people about literature?
          	(not for purposes of finding myself a Joe Fox)


          Have you ever read a psychological thriller that begins with a man who decides he wants his nephew… worse than dead?
          If that sounds even a little interesting, or just unusual, I kindly ask that you give my story “EVAUGHN” a try. It features romance, betrayal, moral conflict, and overall, a plot that forces you to rethink.
          There are 41 chapters (it’s finished, I’m just writing the sequel now), and I think you’ll enjoy the read. If you decide on it, know that I encourage tips on improvement (it isn’t perfect, but I assure you it has potential).
          Thank you so much for giving me your time.

          just going to leave this here, because--obsessed.
          That enemies to lovers trope where for the nth time they misunderstand each other and become life long enemies only to realize how they feel after everything unravels before them? Yeah, not my cup of tea.
          I want to read about actual enemies. People who hate each other based on truth, based on undeniable evidence. Throw in a few misunderstood situations here and there for spice, sure. And then, I want to watch a good writer make them fall for each other despite it. I want to see them eventually bleed into each other. She becomes his moral filter, and he becomes her undoing. (or vice versa). Aaron and Juliette vibes.


do you like edgar too? i ADORE his works. he inspired me to start writing horrors.


Ohh, the Masque of Red Death is chilling! definitely one of Poe's more darker stories. The whole life vs death dichotomy, it makes the reader soo uneasy! How did you interpret it/why do you think its open?


@thedrowningfishi i personally was captured by the telltale heart (seems like a common among fans) and the cask of amontillado. but my current favorite has to be the masque of the red death. i really appreciate the symbolism and open interpretation behind it.


@-mxdling for sure! What's your favourite Poe poem/story? 
            I love Annabelle Lee (it got me into literature really) and the Tell Tale Heart. I love all of his other works as well, but these are probably on my favourites list 


I want to write something pretty but I don't have time, I'm tired, my brain has the attention span of a goldfish and my creativity decided to divorce me and take the kids. 


@thedrowningfishi that was probably the most creative thing i've heard all month.


sometimes i still can't believe quite a few people read treacherous hearts and actually enjoy it


@DejhaDaniel3 aww that's so sweet! That's amazing! Yess I hope to


@thedrowningfishi only facts!! By the way am from Trinidad, so u have a Caribbean fan here!! P.s. please please update broken heart 


@DejhaDaniel3 thanks so much!!❤️❤️ I appreciate it!


Just wondering when r u gonna update to mend a broken heart, if u r, I’m in love with it? <3


Ok take your time! Can’t wait <3


@starry_orbit currently focusing on re-editing Lady of the night, but maybe after that!


@starry_orbit aww I'm so happy you love it! Honestly, not sure... I haven't got the inspiration for it, but some day yes! Thank you sm for the support <3.