
Chapter 20 is up for Kismet! What was the thing in the Grass?? Find out and don't forgot to leave a little vote. New chapters every Friday!


Hi everyone! If you have been following along with Kismet, then I have some good news/bad news: I'm back! Will be posting weekly chapters once more! BUT– I've rearranged the storyline completely and decided to move over Kahar's Plotline to Book 2. If you love Kahar/Kosta, STAY TUNED. Will be finishing up Book 1 in a few weeks and starting where we left off for their stories! 
          I've made some pretty significant changes, (Maps is a SHE now!) to service the plot and further books. Looking forward to hear your thoughts!!


Hey! Thank you so so much for following! I really appreciate it! If you wouldn’t mind, I would love it if you would check out my book ‘All I Have’ and let me know what you think! Hope you’re having a wonderful day and keeping safe, healthy and happy! - Maggie x