
I know that I have not updated Trapped by the Devil in a long time. I have been super busy with school but when I do have time I have been working on it. I do release my updates on an app called Inkitt first and then I upload the chapter here later. If you want to get my updates right away I would suggest checking out Inkitt. It is a very simple app to use and I enjoy it just as much as I love writing here on wattpad. I am getting close to finishing Trapped by the devil. Once I do finish it I plan to leave it up here for only a short time before removing some chapters. My plan is that once I finish writing it I will be publishing it to amazon. 
          	Once Trapped by the Devil is finished I will begin working on some other story ideas that I have. I will probably begin to work more on updating The Precious Luna along with adding a new story. 
          	I have added a new version on one story that I had just a few chapters of. For one of my classes we were supposed to write a short story so I took the chance to use an idea I had already started working on. I turned The Castle on 23rd Avenue (now Street) into a short story. I may in the future expand one what I had worked on before with that story but for now I actually think that the idea works really well as I short story. I might and go in and add in more ideas and details that I ended up having to remove due to a page limit for my class but I'm not sure yet. I would love to hear what you all think of the stories that I do have posted and maybe recommend some books that I should read since I will have some school breaks coming up soon. 
          	Thank you everyone for being such great readings. I know that I have not been super active and I plan to change thank.
          	Hannah Lynne


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I know that I have not updated Trapped by the Devil in a long time. I have been super busy with school but when I do have time I have been working on it. I do release my updates on an app called Inkitt first and then I upload the chapter here later. If you want to get my updates right away I would suggest checking out Inkitt. It is a very simple app to use and I enjoy it just as much as I love writing here on wattpad. I am getting close to finishing Trapped by the devil. Once I do finish it I plan to leave it up here for only a short time before removing some chapters. My plan is that once I finish writing it I will be publishing it to amazon. 
          Once Trapped by the Devil is finished I will begin working on some other story ideas that I have. I will probably begin to work more on updating The Precious Luna along with adding a new story. 
          I have added a new version on one story that I had just a few chapters of. For one of my classes we were supposed to write a short story so I took the chance to use an idea I had already started working on. I turned The Castle on 23rd Avenue (now Street) into a short story. I may in the future expand one what I had worked on before with that story but for now I actually think that the idea works really well as I short story. I might and go in and add in more ideas and details that I ended up having to remove due to a page limit for my class but I'm not sure yet. I would love to hear what you all think of the stories that I do have posted and maybe recommend some books that I should read since I will have some school breaks coming up soon. 
          Thank you everyone for being such great readings. I know that I have not been super active and I plan to change thank.
          Hannah Lynne


When going back and reading The Castle on 23rd Street I’ve noticed a lot of mistakes. I’m sorry about that. I am using that story idea for my creative comp class so once I’m done writing it I will be posting it here in place of what I originally had. It will be a short story instead of a full length novel. I will have it done by next Friday so I’ll probably have it up that day too. I can’t wait to have my first completed work up. 
          Also, for Trapped by the Devil, I am working on editing the first half of the book. I am also looking into publishing the book. Once I do get it published (probably through amazon kindle) I will be removing chapters from here. I will leave up the first 10 chapter but they won’t be the new rewritten chapters. 
          I can’t wait to get those stories finished. Thank you everyone who has been reading, voting, and commenting on my stories. I enjoy reading what everyone comments. 
          Thank you for being great readers! 


When are you going to update trapped by the devil


Well I just got back from a trip in Spain where I only had time to work on it once but I’m hoping to get some time to work on the rest of the next chapter this weekend when I’m in the car during a road trip that I’m going on. My goal is to try and finish it by the end of the summer though. @alexisawesome63


Hello everyone, i hope you are enjoying your day/night. I would like to say that a new chapter for Trapped will be going out soon. Also, please go and check out the newest update on Trapped and go vote and tell me your opinions for a title! Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read my stories, it honestly means the world to me!