
hello my loves! i have a few announcements, so first ab BD pt. 2 i wish i could say i have no motivation but it's just pure laziness, i've had motivation and scenes i wanna do for the book but i never actually find myself typing away. second it's my birthday this weekend on the 16th. and lastly, are there any books you would be interested in you would like me to write, or any i should continue that i haven't?


Yesss, I’m loving His goofy grin!


hello my loves! i have a few announcements, so first ab BD pt. 2 i wish i could say i have no motivation but it's just pure laziness, i've had motivation and scenes i wanna do for the book but i never actually find myself typing away. second it's my birthday this weekend on the 16th. and lastly, are there any books you would be interested in you would like me to write, or any i should continue that i haven't?


Yesss, I’m loving His goofy grin!


Hey, it’s been a while. Was wondering if you okay and if you will ever update his giddy grin??


@Lilia_writess yes i’m okay i promise! just loosing motivation to write :/ but i promise it’ll get finished


guys i have good and bad news,on a good note, i'm starting an eternals druig fanfic! bad news is a lot of u keep asking for a grown ups 2 of lake house crush,but I've kinda grew out of writing that,it was my first story ever written (and rly cringey so i apologize) anddd yeah:/ i just can't find the motivation to continue writing that book:( but! i'm still working on BD pt.2 which should be out soon:)