
if you're still unfamiliar with what's going on, or would like to be more educated, here's a course that is easy to follow
          	https://www.thepalestineacademy.com/palestine-101, if you click 'resources' you can also find a lot more acts of support that you can do


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
noah schnapp is VILE. if u support him feel free to unfollow me
          age is no excuse for the bullshit he's spitting out. he's aware. he knows. pretty sure he attends an IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL!! quote, "as a jewish american, i am afraid" ??? so afraid u are going on shopping sprees in nyc, sitting in a cafe in public and laugh and boast about stickers that say 'zionism is sexy'?? yesss noahhh genocide is sooo sexy?? WTF!! 
          ofcourse noah is one of many (https://jewishunpacked.com/who-are-the-celebrities-supporting-israel-amid-the-hamas-attacks/) but him LAUGHING in a cafe with his rich and SAFE friends when he feels 'unsafe' makes me sick


i've been a bit inactive and honestly a bit too silent regarding palestine. being a silent bystander is NOT okay and for that im sorry. when we are silent its easier for the narrative to be twisted, propaganda to spread and people to remain blissfully unaware. 
          here is a twitter thread that is really helpful and has so much information: https://x.com/folkoftheshelf/status/1712360579946709136?s=20
          educate yourself. post about it. even just a link helps spread awareness


just saw on twitter that someone used ai to edit bella hadid 'supporting' israel. its sickening and in a time where critical thinking is clearly lacking in most people, its dangerous.


i miss the old wattpad where u could see everyone's activity bc im bored and nosy


@glampires truly feels like you're just speaking into a void, i hate it


@wolfism the death of newsfeed is probably the thing i dislike most abt the way this app has aged. especially in a time where people r trying to spread awareness abt palestine, congo, & sudan. it would really help the get information around faster


almost my 10yr wattpad anniversary..... where has the time gone


@starfleets it makes me feel so sad and nostalgic. i remember the night i signed up so vividly as if it was yesterday as well


mine too! it’s so weird like it was a lifetime ago but also it feels like just yesterday…


tysm for adding ‘eat your young’ to ur reading list !! <33 it means the world to me, i hope ur having a great day / night and make sure to take breaks, stay hydrated and healthy. remember that ur always doing great & im so proud of you. ur loved, enough, appreciated & worthy always. ilysm !!  


@togeez this is so wholesome, thankyou lovely! i hope u take care of urself too!