
If anybody is looking for feedback or promotion on their books, a new review shop just dropped (that isn't swamped yet lolol). By @Dragon-Wolfiee <3


@wxnderland_addict Mine doesn't have a set "limit" but if I get way too many I will put some books on hold and get through the first ones before I get to all the other ones.
          	  And thank you! I hope it does catch people's eyes and appeals to them.


@Dragon-Wolfiee yeah, so many other review shops are full, so I think yours will be appealing to many people! Just don't let yourself get stressed out if it does get swamped :P


@wxnderland_addict Hey thank you so much! <333
          	  Also I loved that one part "Isn't swamped yet" it isn't...yet- I keep waiting for it, but it hasn't happened yet as it hasn't reached many people...once it does I'm sure the wave will start coming! 
          	  Thanks for the shout-out though! It truly means a lot! <333


If anybody is looking for feedback or promotion on their books, a new review shop just dropped (that isn't swamped yet lolol). By @Dragon-Wolfiee <3


@wxnderland_addict Mine doesn't have a set "limit" but if I get way too many I will put some books on hold and get through the first ones before I get to all the other ones.
            And thank you! I hope it does catch people's eyes and appeals to them.


@Dragon-Wolfiee yeah, so many other review shops are full, so I think yours will be appealing to many people! Just don't let yourself get stressed out if it does get swamped :P


@wxnderland_addict Hey thank you so much! <333
            Also I loved that one part "Isn't swamped yet" it isn't...yet- I keep waiting for it, but it hasn't happened yet as it hasn't reached many people...once it does I'm sure the wave will start coming! 
            Thanks for the shout-out though! It truly means a lot! <333


hiiiii hru (i know we just talked this morning but)


Ooh also im going to be illustrating a poem for English so i might send that to you in chats on wed, im really hoping for o captain my captain by Walt Whitman but it might get picked by someone else so my backups are she walks in beauty by lord Bryon and sonnet 130 by shakespeare


Hi!!!! Thanks <3 and mm yeah my toxic yuri do have a story but you’re right i should work on the other ocs more so I don’t just turn them over in my head all the time xD I’d just need to find a plot,,, and ooh good luck with your exam results!!!! That story sounds fun


@Izzy246girl heyo! I would love to see your oc art, all your art is so pretty >:) you should really work on writing stories/comics of them so that the poor things aren't stuffed together in your brain T-T also I am doing well, just did two terrifying exams in a row and I finally have the guts to also work sparingly on that story I mentioned


okay so. i am finally working on a contribution to the cringy teen fiction genre, which as everyone knows has always been my life goal. you can imagine i am very excited. there's some sad undertones at first (in like... chapters 1 and 2), but don't worry, it will get increasingly ridiculous as time goes on. please suspend as much disbelief as you possibly can. the premise is bizarre because it's essentially a childhood fantasy i used to have that i decided would make a fun story if i worked with the right cast. to be clear, i do not actually condone dropping out of school and running away to travel across the country - please do not try this at home. as to be expected, there is some genre parody scattered throughout, you might spot it, you might not.
          other updates: there will likely be new dead zone chapters before i update lost destinies both because tdz chapters are shorter and because i'm currently vibing with it a bit more. i'll probably release the first chapter of misadventures of a teenage dirtbag tomorrow or otherwise sometime this coming week. as for class freak... i'm still on break from it for a little while. i'll probably emerge from the dead with a cf update when you least expect it. unfortunately i don't really have the mental capacity to just focus solely on one project at a time.
          anyway, if teenlit happens to be your thing, enjoy the new cast!!


@wxnderland_addict oooh, sounds like a super fun story! I can’t waaaait


still not in the mood to work on class freak rn (im sorry im sorry) but what if I released the cast page for a new story :0 haha jk... unless...


:0 yesss! All of the above