
20k reads… Moonbeam my crazy idea that I shared with you has reached a huge milestone! How I miss the sleepless nights of writing about those characters. Hopefully I can return to you soon <3


@xKatnipx I've been well, too. I graduated from my upper secondary school in June, and now I'm taking a gap year to figure out what I'd like to study in the future. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, despite being busy. I hope you remember to relax and take it easy when you can, so that you don't overwork yourself.


@mjosefiina I miss you too! How have you been?? I’m doing very well, thank you so much for asking. I’ve been keeping very busy with university and my acting job but I’ve been loving it x


@xKatnipx Congratulations! I miss you and your writings, and I hope you're doing well.


20k reads… Moonbeam my crazy idea that I shared with you has reached a huge milestone! How I miss the sleepless nights of writing about those characters. Hopefully I can return to you soon <3


@xKatnipx I've been well, too. I graduated from my upper secondary school in June, and now I'm taking a gap year to figure out what I'd like to study in the future. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, despite being busy. I hope you remember to relax and take it easy when you can, so that you don't overwork yourself.


@mjosefiina I miss you too! How have you been?? I’m doing very well, thank you so much for asking. I’ve been keeping very busy with university and my acting job but I’ve been loving it x


@xKatnipx Congratulations! I miss you and your writings, and I hope you're doing well.


Very annoyed author here! I’ve just come to check on Wattpad after a few months of chaos at university and what do I find? Someone has stolen my story and published it on another site without my consent! I am very tempted to remove Moonbeam for now but the damage is done already so what’s the point! Very upset and unsure of what to do! 


@xKatnipx you are very welcome! I wish you the best with situation. There are petitions to shut down both of those sites and I've signed them. It is such a shame that people do this to author such as yourself. So many people lose intrest in writing and so many wonderful stories get lost or are never written because of that. I hope you remain strong with this situation and can get your stories back to your solitary control. I'll be waiting for updates on the situation. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about anyting, I'll be here for you.


@mjosefiina so I’ve just read into it, both sites seem to be what are known as mirror sites, they basically copy everything I do. If I were to take the story down they would most likely do the same. My recommendation is not to click on anything I’ve just read there is harmful links on there! What a nightmare this whole situation is :(


@mjosefiina Oh my word I’ve just seen that! Unreal because that’s not mine either and they’ve got my exact username ‍♀️ this is ridiculous! I’m wondering if Wattpad and Teenfic.net are linked? As the numbers are pretty much the same. I’ll have a look into that! Thank you so much for letting my know Maria! I can’t seem to get on to the other one but I’m definitely going to find out what’s happening with this one you’ve reported too. That’s a great book recommendation I’ll have a look into that now, cannot thank you enough for all of your help 


Major writers block right now :(


@xKatnipx I don't really have a favourite type of music. It's more like just music I like, music I don't like, and music I've yet to hear. Sometimes I listen to Mozart, sometimes Katy Perry or Fall Out Boy, Lordi or The Rasmus, Eminem or Lil Nas X, Lady Gaga or Queen or One Direction. Sometimes the music is in different languages like Italian or French (Måneskin, Stromae, Indila) and sometimes Finnish iskelmä. Some musical soundtracks too, like Hamilton or Six. But I do think Rock and Pop are the most common type. Heavy Metal and Rap, not so much. 


@mjosefiina Thank you so much for this, I think it is just the stress from university at the moment. Like you said I'm going to take some time and update as it comes. I know where it's going it's just how to write it down that is the problem. Music is my go-to, I absolutely love ambient music! What is your favourite type of music? <3


@xKatnipx It's okay, take your time. I don't know if it'll help but try to focus on something you really like. Like music or jogging, painting, knitting etc. It'll come to you eventually <3