
bro, i should have not went to uni this year. on top of taking partial care of my grandma (alongside my mom) as well as taking FULL-TIME care of my family's 8 month old puppy, i never have actual time to do ANY of my work LMAOO-- this is my second tma/exam paper in a row where i turned it in late as fck and i'm SOOOO behind on my normal hw.
          	and also, all i want to do is write my silly lil stories but i never have time UHFJFJGJFJF :(((( adulting sucks. so much.
          	it especially sucks when your midterms/exams are all literally on your birthday week, wtfffff...
          	note to my younger followers, if you're going to college/uni and you ever feel like school is kicking your ass, take an effing gap year. take the year to explore your interests, maybe further in your career a little bit and makes some money... DON'T settle and DON'T rush finishing school. honestly, i took a gap year instead of taking my first year of college and used to regret it once i saw all my friends graduate before me, but now... i wish i took another lmfao. i'm braindead rn, omg, okay goodbye.


also never, NEVER take online classes. i mean, for some people, it works. but i'm a kinesthetic learner (hands on, visual - everything that online does not offer lol), so that sh doesn't work for me. i'm too adhd/add for staying in one spot all day, trying to read long text. i legit have to copy-and-paste long reading passages into google translate just to have someone else read the material to me lmao i just-- yeah.


bro, i should have not went to uni this year. on top of taking partial care of my grandma (alongside my mom) as well as taking FULL-TIME care of my family's 8 month old puppy, i never have actual time to do ANY of my work LMAOO-- this is my second tma/exam paper in a row where i turned it in late as fck and i'm SOOOO behind on my normal hw.
          and also, all i want to do is write my silly lil stories but i never have time UHFJFJGJFJF :(((( adulting sucks. so much.
          it especially sucks when your midterms/exams are all literally on your birthday week, wtfffff...
          note to my younger followers, if you're going to college/uni and you ever feel like school is kicking your ass, take an effing gap year. take the year to explore your interests, maybe further in your career a little bit and makes some money... DON'T settle and DON'T rush finishing school. honestly, i took a gap year instead of taking my first year of college and used to regret it once i saw all my friends graduate before me, but now... i wish i took another lmfao. i'm braindead rn, omg, okay goodbye.


also never, NEVER take online classes. i mean, for some people, it works. but i'm a kinesthetic learner (hands on, visual - everything that online does not offer lol), so that sh doesn't work for me. i'm too adhd/add for staying in one spot all day, trying to read long text. i legit have to copy-and-paste long reading passages into google translate just to have someone else read the material to me lmao i just-- yeah.


for anyone who has played stardew valley and animal crossing, you should try palia! it's free to download on multiple platforms (i personally play on my switch). it's surprisingly very fun, though it is still in its early stages of development^^ but it fills in the void i have been needing to be filled, specifically regarding wanting to play simulation games but not being able to find any (if you have any reccs, please drop me some lol).
          the only cons i have for palia are the lack of character customization and presets, as well as outfits, and how slow traveling can be (because the map is so big lmao). also, i don't really LOVE online play (as someone who prefers playing girl characters because - no matter the game - you just get stalked, and people who sometimes spam the chat logs), but it hasn't been bad at all and is in no way a dealbreaker!! so, yeah... since the game had literally JUST released and i'm sure there are going to be new patches & updates coming soon, so far i'd give the game a 3.2 out of 5 stars :]♡
          if you guys want to add me, here's my referral link:
          AND! if that doesn't work, my character name is 'Darlene Graves' in the game or her nickname is 'Daria' (you have the give your character multiple names, which i think is a really sweet detail <333), and/or my username is 'elliezzz'!


i finished the re4 separate ways dlc and IT'S SO GOOD !! ♡
          now that i have free time, i'm doing my "good" dark urge gameplay for baldur's gate, and i'm sort of tempted to hop early on the fanfic-wave again as i do this latest playthrough (& start school lol). a dark urge tav x everyone, but with even more character-relationship building and a slightly different beginning (tav not meeting sh & l'z on the nautiloid, or tav randomly coming across astarion hunting) - maybe? i've read a few chapters of other bg3 fics, and though some were decent, i strongly dislike a lot of self-insert type of books as well as those where romance/smut is super rushed. i love me a slow-build, OR if it is rushed/obvious, then the tones are set to where the characters have either mutual crushes on each other or one has a stronger crush on the 'unknowing' other (hence my tdi book)!
          perhaps? idk.


yeah same rushed smut sucks


as much as i loved the re4 remake (& can't wait for the 'separate ways' dlc), baldur's gate 3 is LITERALLY 'game of the year' worthy... and neil newbon DESERVES the 'best voice actor of the year' as well !!! astarion has made me cry more times than i can count in the last week than i have in a year - i've also never fallen SO hard in love with a character/person so fast in my life. he has now been placed in my top 5 favorite video game characters of all time, and it's completely deserved.
          not to mention the other members of the cast! they each did so amazing, but the connection i, and so many other people, feel for astarion is otherworldly! neil did an incredible job portraying him and i'll be forever sad that this man is not a real person.


@yourlocalcostco ur so real for this and I absolutely never thought about it that way :) AHG I luv bg3 sm


@ethanwintershusband i've never played the armored core series, but i remember watching my older brothers play a few of them growing up ... honestly, i'm not a huge fan of mech games in general, but they do seem like the type of games i'd just enjoy spectating others play even now lmfao- especially with the new pvp aspect to armored core vi & watching the opposing players' different builds go against each other... seems interesting! :]


@shilvrr RIGHT !? likeee, i'm so tempted to put a halt onto my first save just to try it, but i know my little heart can't take it ;-(((( AND even if you attempt to do a 'good' dark urge playthrough, i've seen clips where the game still FORCES you to do some evil things SJDJFJFKFK-- the script-writing is so good in this game (because the trope of 'an inherently evil person who had forgotten their memories but tries their secondhand to be good, but literally cannot do so because it's INGRAINED in them and still accidentally/unknowingly/UNWILLINGLY participates in evil-doing' IS SO SAD), it physically & emotionally hurts.
            sorry, i'm going off on long ass tangents LMFAO ;-; probably the best game... ever, tbh </333


i completely forgot to add in my last post that bg3's astarion va is the same as the re:village's heisenberg va !! so the game is TOTALLY worth it :3 !!!!!!! ☆


@ethanwintershusband it's definitely worth the money, if you're thinking about buying!! again - like i said on my other post - only if you think your pc can handle it though. i mean... if you were able to play resident evil, then i would think you're more than capable. luckily, my pc can BARELY play either games, but still, i'd recommend having more than the bare minimum setup lmfao


is anyone playing baldur's gate? i know most of my audience are kpop + tdi fans, with a few gamers, BUT OH MY GOD I JUST WANT TO TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE ASTARION AND KARLACH BUT NONE OF MY IRL FRIENDS ARE DND NERDSSSSSS !!!!! i also love gale and wyll, but UGH-- astarion will be the death of me (both in-game and out of game). his character/backstory is so bittersweet and i just want to share it with everyone ♡ ;-----; PLEASE LOOK IT UP, WATCH A YT VIDEO ABT IT, OR SOMETHING !! I BEG OF YOU, he's so sad and sweet and sassy </333


this message may be offensive
all the mono characters: ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡
            all the open/poly characters: >:((((((
            **SPOILERS HERE:**
            i liked how snarky and sly shadowheart could be, but when i heard her lines about how she dreamt "so many times" of having the mc's relationship being open with halsin being an addition during that ONE scene broke me. i'm too jealous and loyal to share someone; sometimes i wish i could be that person lmao
            also halsin is such a himbo dilf king, i love him so much too... but that bear scene, what the fuck LFMAOJSDJ i would love him, but he's poly asf. i wish he was for me, alone.
            and, though i love gale, HE'S SO USELESS IN COMBAT. and i hate how him SHOWING YOU HIS MAGIC somehow counts as him courting us romantically. you allowed the dude to show us a trick, and then you go try to seduce the other mono characters, and they REJECT you because they say you're already in a relationship with gale ??? HE JUST-- WHATTSTSTDHDJDNDJ
            anyways, i love this game lol


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i'm so mono for astarion, it's crazy. in games where there's romance, i love when everyone pines over my character, but i could not give a shit in this case because astarion is so ♡ BUT I ABSOLUTELY DO GAF, BECAUSE KARLACH IS SUCH A SWEETIEPIE !!! i want to romance her but i could never do that to astarion </333333333 ffs


like, if you're poly, the game has it. if you're an open relationship typa person, the game has it. if you're mono, the game has it. if you just want to sleep around with zero strings attached, the game has it. if you're str8/gay/queer/etc, the game has it. if you have gender nonconforming pronouns, the game has it. IT'S SO GOOD !! THE STORY, THE CHARACTERS, EVERYTHING; it's SO good. the only bad thing about the game is how intensive it is on your pc, but if you play games like re or ff, then you probably have a good pc lol


sorry for the lack of updates, guys! if it wasn't obvious from my last post, i was away from home & on vacation so i haven't been able to write at all... i went to visit some of my family, and along the way of coming back home, i adopted a puppy! ♡ don't know the name yet, but she's an olde english bulldog!!
          but thank you for all the love on my recent books; whether big or small, it means a lot! i have to clean up my room for my dog, so i might not be active in the next couple of days still, but i'll be back sooner than ever... <333 i promise.


@ethanwintershusband THANK YOU!! ♡☆ and actually 'ruthie' [like "roof-y"] was one of my dad's suggestions! so maybe... hehe :>


ITS OKAY, we understand, also a few dog name recommendations; leo, caramel, ruffy, mike, sumo <3


also, someone game-end me. i am the messiest person in the world, it's actually disgusting... it's because i go to school and work from home too, so i literally never leave my room anymore hdhdhfdjjddj send help.