~Chapter 13~

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It took me about twenty minutes to finally reach his place. However, I started gawking at the absolute mansion as soon as my eyes fell on it. The entire ride here was pin drop silent because Skye was dozing off and only his light snores filled in the otherwise quiet car.

It took me another few minutes to let his security guard know that I wasn't a danger. It was then they let me in. His mansion's lights were off and I took it as a sign that he lives alone. I was thankful though that the lamps were lit on the main driveway.

After inquiring with one of the guards, he pointed me to the backside of the house. I followed his instructions and there was a different stone driveway that led behind his huge house. There were pretty flowers and shrubs adorning on both sides. Before I knew it, I could see the silhouette of a tree house.

The area was completely deserted and the tree house looked aloof and dark as if coming directly out of some magical world.

Parking my car in some random place at the end of the stone pathway, I helped Skye out of the car. He was awake but quiet. His eyes darted around confusedly but he didn't stop and kept on walking alongside me. I was surprised that he was somewhat supporting his own weight.

"My head hurts," he mumbled, groaning.

"Of course, Sherlock."

I stopped right outside his tree house and my eyeballs almost popped out. I've not seen many tree houses in my life but the one in front of me surpassed all of them. It really did seem mystical like those I'd read about in Enid Blyton's elf storybooks.

The tree was huge and void of any leaves. The trunk had a door and I would have just thought of it to be some medieval era furniture if not for the block of house sitting serenely at the top. I couldn't see any ladder leading up to the house so instinctively, I opened the wooden door.

"You like it?" Skye spoke from behind me. Turning around, I saw that he looked a little sober and more drowsy. He kept on blinking his eyes to stay awake.

"I... do. It's so creative." I laughed incredulously. I ushered him in first and followed closely behind.

I heard his feet shuffling ahead and within seconds, the place lit up dimly. It was a lamp and it was then that I saw the wooden flight of stairs. We both ascended the creaky stairs and he opened another door at the end.

I don't know how he or whoever built this managed to build all this within the trunk but I was sure of one thing. It has to be my top dream place.

As soon as he opened the door, my eyes met with a clean room and minimal furniture. A small bed in one corner with a study table beside it. There was a ladder on the other side of the house which led to a... roof? There was a huge square shaped open roof which could almost fit two bodies.

However, it was normal as compared to all the newspaper clippings on the wooden walls. Not a single space was left out. There were a few normal page clippings with angry handwriting beside them.

Moving closer to the bold and screaming headline of a newspaper, it read, 'The Billionaire's Getaway Tryst!' Completely ignoring the news article, I read the angry clipping stuck alongside it.

It read: A Getaway Tryst?! Is anyone even serious these days? Or do these noobs even know what a "tryst" means? Everybody knows or even has a damn clue that I don't have any romantic AFFILIATION for crying out loud! And that too in a yacht??? Pfft, I don't even own one. And even if I did have a getaway tryst or some shit like that, my sanctuary would always be this tree house, no doubt. So, get your facts right, you fucktards!

I sniggered and instantly understood it was Skye who wrote them. Besides, he's never allowed anyone in here, so it's a given that it would be him.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Skye deep in thought with the way his brows were furrowed. He was sitting at the foot of the roof ladder, staring at his steepled fingers.

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