~Chapter 42~

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When the realization of it all dawned on me like the fireworks on Fourth of July, I was shaking vigorously on this fine Winter morning. All this while, due to my adrenaline, I was blanketed inside an unknown warmth but as the truth came down crashing on me, it was like someone had taken away my blanket and replaced the fireplace with some killer snow pellets.

Cold. It's what I was feeling at that moment. Immense cold. Joseph Miller was behind it all this time? But then who could be 'Kyle M.?' Why was Jonathan Williams tied to a chair out of all things? I knew that I didn't have time to think through this entire mystery so I went ahead with the next best option available to me.

Removing my cell phone from my pocket, I dialled Shivaay's number. Not even one ring and he picked up the call. That was quick.

"What the hell, VVJ? Where are you?!" He all but screamed but even I could detect the worry in his voice. I've never seen or heard Shivaay getting all angsty but I knew what this was all about.

"Look, Shivaay. Hear me out because this is really important," I whispered, sitting on my knees and clutching my phone tightly.

He must have sensed something in my voice because his panic notched down a bit. "What is it?"

"Do you still wanna win the Pulitzer prize?"

"Heck, yeah, I do! But what is it thi-"

"Then hear me out carefully. I am at this old warehouse being used to store the useless cars in Midtown. I was following this paparazzo who's been on my case for quite some days now. He's the one who started another fire of me being with Skye. I followed him to get some answers and landed here. But that's not even it," I said in a low voice, rushing out my words in a single breath. Just an exaggeration because I was breathing a lot while talking to him.

"Don't kill me at the best part, tell me the climax. Did you find something?" He asked me impatiently.

"Oh, yeah, I think I might have hit a jackpot. I think Mr. Miller has kidnapped Mr. Williams. Jonathan Williams. And I think this is somehow linked to me because the very same paparazzo is inside the room with his camera," I told him.

"What do you mean, you "think"? Are you not sure? And Mr. Miller as in… the Board of Director guy?" He whisper-yelled.

"Because I can't hear a single thing. I am assuming but by the looks of it, Mr. Miller is our guy and Mr. Williams is in grave danger," I said and soon the image of Joseph Miller's gun flashed before me. "And yes, Mr. Miller as in… the Board of Director guy."

"Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"I'll send you my exact location and you come here. But bring some kind of weapons too because there are guards. Nothing lethal though, please." I didn't have any intention to kill anybody and have their blood on my hands.

"You got it, VVJ. Let's bring that good for absolutely nothing Miller down," he said, sounding way too excited for some reason and I rolled my eyes. "But just a quick question. Why didn't you call Skye to let him know about his dad?"

I was silent for some time, thinking about the same thing. "I… I don't know," I mumbled sadly. "I guess I am scared to talk to him." I blinked away my tears furiously and sniffled, suddenly getting all emotional. I miss my wine but more than that, I miss Skye's kisses, smiles, laughs and hugs reserved only for me.

"Oye, VVJ! Let's slay the monsters then and you won't have to be scared again. This commander here is gonna be there with his King and his army!" He exclaimed dramatically.

"Wait, what? King and ar-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because he had already cut the call. I scowled and looked at the screen before huffing out loud.

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