Chapter Eleven: Wished Denial

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A/N: Yay chapter out

Actually i'm quite nervous about this chapter. I wasn't sure which way to go with this but I guess we'll just see how it goes....


Chapter Eleven: Wished Denial

I manage to drag my body into the nearest building which happened to be some sort of corner diner or café that was close to the Fence. The polished timber floors are scratched and marked, covered in dust and broken glass. I was on the floor and somehow managed to roll onto my back, just inside of the broken down front door, the tiny bell was near my feet, the middle rusted out. The ceiling was a dull greyish white with a ceiling fan still firmly affixed to it. The blades are wooden and I wonder if they’re rotting.

I feel like a train decided to run over me and breathing brought on a so much agony that at first I tried holding my breath but when I gasped it hurt so much more. The rain’s gotten pretty heavy all of a sudden too. I just made it in time, it seems. Now…I’ll just have to wait and pray that the hordes don’t find me. I press a hand to my stomach, there was a large gash that had cut right through the fabric of my clothes and bit into my skin. I’m too scared to see just how deep it is. But my intestines aren’t hanging out so it shouldn’t be that deep at least.

The ringing in my ear had quietened a little from before, but breathing brought on a headache that pounded behind the eyes. I’m probably going to die in a café, next to the Fence. Hah.

I almost laugh but it came out as a cross between a cough and a sob. Ah shit it hurts. I’m hoping to pass out pretty soon. Lightning illuminates the café for a moment and darkness returns the thunder’s call. Not long now the hordes will spill forth and I’ll end up as chow if they find my corpse. I wonder if they will manage to break through the Fence and destroy everything inside.

My eyes sting and shutting them made something spill from them. Huh? Ah my eyes are leaking tears. They were burning hot as they slide down. I raise my other hand to cover my face. Fuck, just hurry up and let me die or something. I’ve lost Markus. Cody and Anne were taken away and now… Now I’m left here by myself to rot away. And it was frustrating as fuck. And lonely. I bite back a sob. Shit.

Another shot of lightning brightens the room with the trembling roar vibrating underneath. A million and one roars soon fill me ears and my dread almost makes me flinch. It’s begun. The Miasma will consume this place in no time. And with it, the night parade of demons had begun.

It wasn’t like I was particularly afraid of it now that I’m in the middle of it. And losing so much blood that I was probably delirious enough to think of everything so calmly while wanting to cry my heart out at the same time, probably helped. I had seen a Miasma storm from a distance before. It calls all sorts of monsters and then they take over whatever the storm had landed on. Sometimes a thick blood mist would envelop the area but other times you see it. Thousands of monsters running through the night like a black swarming locust plague. I had watched them take over a city once. The city was somewhere to the west and the horde rained down upon it like insects to a carcass. And picked it clean to the bone. The thought made me shudder. There was a small community, much like Deadside and they were consumed utterly and completely. Hopefully it might take out the armies while it’s here.

I hear something shift and the clinking sound of broken glass being disturbed. I open my eyes and turn my head in its direction. There was a hulking dark mass standing in the doorway which must have been another entrance. My eyes widen as it steps closer. Ah shit. Swallowing my spit which tasted metallic, I see that it had blue-green stripes that were soft glowing, all over its body. Bioluminescence…I think it’s called. It resembled a tiger’s stripes. As it gets closer to me, I realise it was a flipping tiger. Though black like midnight, so I would have mistaken it for a panther or something if not for the glowing stripes. The neck was too short for a panther and has those fluffy tuffs of fur on either sides of its face. It’s fucking huge. I mean tigers are big but this…its mouth could probably wrap around my body without much effort. I was bite-size. Three chomps and I would disappear into its belly. Great. I was monkey chow a few weeks ago, now tinned cat food. Oh well, at least it sounds better to be eaten by a tiger instead of a monkey.

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