Chapter Fourteen: Numb Delirium

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Chapter Fourteen: Numb Delirium

I was frozen to the spot completely. It took over everything.

Everything dropped from existence around me.

It became my world.

Inane whispers penetrated my mind. They were disjointed, soft and harsh with no real focus or meaning. It was singular but many. One voice but a crowd. Together but not in chorus like they were piling on top of each other. Loud silence. Maddening. Frustrating. Never ending. Shrilled sweetness. Suffocating. Insanity. Blinded euphoria.

I push my hands harshly to my ears, blocking the aural violation.

'Make it stop'.

Something catches my sight. My vision locks onto something thick and black oozing down my arm. I bring them in front of me. I watch in horror as my flesh melts from the bone. Shaking, darkening.

'Make it stop'.

A scream rips through my throat, crackling the vocals cords, straining until I could feel them snap. Bubbling. Liquefying flesh turning black, dripping slowly like wax under the intensity of a candle wick's flame.

My sight flickers between white, red and black in a continuous loop, fraying on the edges as I feel like I'm falling through vertigo. But nothing is moving. The whispers becoming more aggressive but I still could hear them.

'Make it stop'.

Something like a bullet shots through my skull and stuns my brain into suspended animation. What was left of my arms roll to my sides as I sit there, the strings to my body cut. I was limp. Lifeless. Liquid fire tears burn my cheeks. Why? Why am I not dead?

'Make it stop'.

Why doesn't it stop? This madness.

'Make it stop'.

Over and over. Those words. Are they my words? Over and over. Shut up.

Make it stop.

Shut up.

Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it-

Shut up! Shut up-shut-up-shut-up!

Make it stop.

Make it stop.

I glare at the mass in front of me. If it's going to drag me under-

I do not know how I could grab the blade beside me but my fingers curl around the contrastingly ice-cold handle.

-then I will fight it to the last shred of sanity.

I shakily get to my feet, something metallic mixed with something disgusting pours from my mouth, pooling on the floor as a mix of red and black.

'Make it stop'.

 I sprint with the blade poised straight in front of me, I yell with everything I had. I stab the blade through the middle, a piercing glass on glass contrast ringing out. At first nothing happens. Frustration makes me see red as I drop the blade, clawing and punching at the giant pile of crystal, the jagged edges bite into my flesh. I punch harder, not caring anymore if my fists turn into a bloody pulp, the bones broken and crushed beyond recognition. I don't care anymore. Just shut the fuck up.

Tendrils of that darkness explodes from the centre climbing my arms as I struggle against it. The black liquid consumes my body as I sink to the floor. The oozing darkness swallows me, enveloping me like it was going to eat every bit of me as it drags me under. I struggle under the weight, still trying to get at the crystal. If it's attacking then that means that I'm making some sort of progress.

Vivid (BoyxBoy) {Pipe Dream: Book I}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ