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     "Oh." Simon looked up to Shea's rosy cheeks in the dark. "Would you like to come inside, you must be cold?" All of the sudden Simon's fears were gone, his energy had a place to go, that wasn't within him. Simon could focus on Shea and that was as big a blessing as he could ask for. 

     "Uh... Is Liam home?" Shea asked sheepishly.

     "No. He isn't." Simon smiled coyly. "You don't need to worry, he's out on a date, he'll be out late."

     "Sure, then." Shea nodded, and Simon dragged him in by the cuff, unwilling to let go of his newfound protector. Simon knew deep down this wasn't healthy. Simon also knew when he opened the door, he'd been hoping it would be Asher, but it wasn't Asher, it was Shea, and Simon could afford to be unhealthy if it meant preventing a panic attack. "What were you watching?"

     "Nothing." Simon shut the television off quickly. "I wasn't paying much attention to it anyway." Simon stated truthfully. 

     "Ah." Shea rolled on the balls of his feet slightly. "What do you want to do?"

     "C- could you... could you just sit with me for a little?" 

     "Sure.. Of course I can.." Shea nodded, and sat down on the couch next to Simon. He hadn't quite planned out what he was going to do when he got to Simon's house, but he hadn't expected it to be this. Shea had made a gamble going to see Simon like he had, and it had been a move he'd done without quite thinking everything through. This time, unlike the last time, it had worked out for him though. Simon laid his head on Shea's shoulder and allowed his breathing to sink with the other boys. 

     Simon felt dirty, he felt like he was using Shea, but he also knew that he was minutes away from a panic attack when Shea showed up, and he was gifting himself a few moments of comfort. Shea was a good friend, and he was helping Simon to calm down already, but when Simon answered the door, Shea was not who he was hoping it would be, and that made him feel incredibly selfish. He felt like he was using Shea; still, Simon couldn't seem to tear himself away from his spot next to Shea on the couch. Shea was like a magnet he couldn't seem to disconnect himself from. 

     "Uh.. Simon?" Shea asked to a half asleep Simon.

     "Hmm?" Simon mumbled without opening his eyes. 

     "I think you know how I feel about you.. by now..." Shea began, and Simon's eyes flitted open in attention. "But I'm really not sure how you feel about me." Shea rubbed his hands together in his lap.

     This was it. Simon's chance to do the responsible thing, and send Shea away again, like he knew he ought to. But Shea's eyes sparkled with hope, and his hair drifted perfectly across his face, peeking out just from behind his neck. Simon was enamored by the other boy, trapped in a web spun by his own emotions, finding himself almost unable to say the things that were on his mind. In fact, his entire brain seemed to have stopped responding and gone blank, as Shea stared at him uncomfortably in the silence. Still, Shea's lips were pink and shiny in the minimal light, and they seemed to summon Simon. 

     It was strange how one moment a perfectly rational person could be planning a perfectly rational next move, and then the next they could be utterly lost from the stretches of reality, morphing into someone else entirely. Surely it wasn't Simon closing the gap between him and Shea, yet Shea, having learned from previous mistakes remained perfectly still. Surely it wasn't Simon who pressed his lips gingerly against Shea's. Surely it wasn't Simon who held Shea's face tightly in his hands, as if a small gust of wind might tear the two apart again. Simon was far too rational for that. He was grounded, down to earth, and pragmatic, not the type of person that just kissed someone they had no idea how they even felt about. Yet Simon and Shea were kissing on Simon's couch. 

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