I Can't Shake You

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       Shea hadn't seen or heard from Garrett in weeks. He had a sickly feeling in the pit of his stomach and a sweaty sense in his palms. He felt like he had severely messed everything up. Garrett said he wanted space, but to Shea there was nothing worse than space. He'd had more than enough space to last him a lifetime. 

      Still, pushing so hard had backfired with Simon, so pushing with Garrett was definitely not the right thing to do. No, he had to give Garrett all the space. He had to let Garrett come to him if they ever wanted to reconcile. It would be hard though, as he wouldn't see Garrett anywhere without seeking him out. 

       Going to the mall had been a foolish mistake. Never in his life had he had someone who seemed to care about him like Garrett did. Even though they were fighting Garrett still made it a point to check on him and see to it that he was alright. It always felt like Shea had to be the one making plans. It felt like if Shea didn't reach out to people and set things up they never will, but Garrett put in just as much effort, if not more into their relationship. Shea pushed but Garrett pushed back, and genuinely seemed to enjoy spending time with him, even if Shea wasn't really the nicest to him all the time.

      Shea did have a nasty habit of cutting Garrett off, or stifling him, or hurting his feelings. If anything he should just stay away from Garrett, surely the poor boy would be better off on his own. Surely he would get on much better without Shea yelling at him every couple of minutes. Though Garrett could be a bit thick and slow to understand things, though over the past few weeks Shea had been the thick one. 

       Shea didn't like the feeling of being unable to do things. He didn't want to have to wait. He wanted to go out, to fix things, to seize the day, but that had only gotten him into more trouble lately. 

       Not being able to do anything was eating Shea from the inside out. Days passed and he went without eating, without showering, without brushing his teeth. he was loosing his mind trying to be alone. It wasn't Simon who he wanted anymore. It wasn't Simon who he longed to be wit. No, the person that Shea missed was Garrett, his best friend who he'd tossed away. 

       "Maybe it's been long enough." He thought to himself. "Perhaps Garrett has healed..." Even the thought of that scared Shea. He found he didn't want Garrett to heal. He didn't want Garrett to move on. 

        Shea stood up from his bed suddenly. He wanted to see Garrett. Scratch that, he needed to see Garrett one more time. If he was going to purge himself from the boy's life for his one good, he should at least get to see him one last time. Shea ran to his car without even really thinking, put the key in ignition, and just drove. He drove right to Garrett's house, not caring how he looked, or how late it was and banged on the door. He needed to see Garrett right then. He was driving himself insane, and he needed to see Garrett as fast as possible. 

         "Shea?" A disheveled looking Garrett opened the door after the third time Shea knocked. "What.. what do you want?"

         "It was me." Shea stated firmly, a mess of old clothing and buzzed hair. "I was the toxicity. I was the problem. The whole damn time." 

         "I- yeah... I guess." Garrett raised a brow and ran his large hand over his neck. "It's three o'clock in the morning, Shea."

        "I pushed Simon away! Me! Not Asher, me. I did it. I did it the whole fucking time. I pushed Simon away, I pushed you away, I pushed everyone away. I was a shitty shitty person. I don't deserve to be in your life. You deserve to walk right back in that house and go back to sleep, but... but I don't want you to. I'm selfish and awful and I don't want what's best for you and I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry that I ruined everything and I'm sorry that I stifled you and that I yelled at you. I've apologized so many times over the last few months, and I realized that they were never accepted like I wanted them to be because I didn't really mean them. I mean this, and I'm sorry." Shea paused briefly to catch his breath. 


       "You don't have to say anything. Don't you dare apologize back to me. You are the smartest, most loyal, forgiving, patient person I know, and you never need to apologize. You've been with me through all the shit I caused and all the insults I've thrown and you, and everything. So don't say anything. Ignore me. Do what's best for you and walk back through that door and never think about me again. You deserve so much better than anything I can offer you, and you should just go inside and forget I even came here tonight, but I just needed to see you one more time. I know that' selfish and awful, but fuck it. I wanted to see your face one last time before I remove myself from the picture, like I shoulda done a long time ago." 

          "I...don't want to go back inside and forget you were here," Garrett stepped on the porch. "Whatever I do I just can't shake you.."


      "Stop talking." Garrett shook his head and continued in a flabbergasted whisper, "Whatever I do.. I just can't shake you... and you know what? I don't want to." 


       "God, Shea. I want to hug you so fucking bad..." Garrett stood there. Shea waited for him to hug him, but he made no motion to.

      "Now, Garrett!" Shea grinned. 

      "Oh!" Garrett realized, and wrapped Shea into a giant bear hug. The first real hug he'd had in months. To Shea there was a spark. A spark of something he'd never shared with anyone else. "I love you Shea... You're all of those things, and you're bad for me, but I love you."

       "I love you too.. I love you." Shea whispered through his smile. Garrett broke the hug and grabbed at Shea's chin pulling him into a deep kiss. 

       Garrett unlike Simon took charge. He dominated the kiss. He made Shea weak in the knees. He made Shea forget everything he'd ever thought he knew before because damn was that a good kiss. It was everything he'd been looking for and in the place he should have been looking all along. 

       "Fuuuuck." Shea exhaled heavily after Garrett pulled away. 

       "I've never done that with a boy," Garrett chuckled. 


       "It's pretty much the same." Garrett shrugged. 

      "That's very wise." Shea buried his head in Garrett's neck. 

       "Thanks." Garrett wrapped his arms around Shea again, "I have my moments." 

(A//N) I don't want to ruin the moment (P.S. Come on now. Garrett is the moment)but we are very very close to the end of this book. Please if you like this story check out the completed ones on my profile (Forget Me Not or Good Luck Charm), or for something different be sure to read The Boy Who Cried Wolf, for some werewolf style fun! Happy reading!

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