Chapter Twenty nine

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It's been a week since she came back home with me and trust me, she is so pissed. She nearly killed me twice.

Yesterday, she asked me to bring some chocolates for her and my dumb brain forgot. And you know what she did? She got so mad that she threw a bloody flower pot at me. If I didn't dodge it on time, I could have ended up in the hospital with no memory.

And the other time, I don't know who the fuck made her angry but she decided to pour it all on me. She threw everything towards me that was on the kitchen table.

I don't know what will be waiting for me when I reach home today. An axe? A brick? A wood cuter? Or maybe worse. A machine gun.

I sighed heavily before getting off the car and walk towards the mansion.

As soon as I entered, I was welcomed by Belle screaming and crying and I started panicking. I ran towards the kitchen from where her crying was coming from and saw Edwin sitting helplessly beside my wife trying to calm ger down while she was bawling her eyes out.

"What happened Belle. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I asked as I rushed towards her and Edwin immediately stood up.

She didn't reply inside she cried louder.

"God damnit Belle. Tell me what's wrong?" I asked in frustration and she turn to look at me with big swollen eyes. I wiped her tears and cupped her face in my palm. "What happened?"

"I. . . . I. . " She stammered and cried louder.

"Edwin, fucking explain what the fuck happened?" I growled at Edwin who started shaking like leaf.

"Sir. . . sir, I don't know anything. When I came back, I heard a crash in the kitchen so, I rushed in and saw ma'am crying. I swear, don't know anything sir." He said in one go with sweats forming in his forehead.

I turn towards Belle who was clutching on my shirt like her life depends on it. "Belle, tell me who's that fucking idiot that made you cry. I'll wipe that person out this world. Just tell me the name."

"Chocolate. . . chocolate cakes." She managed to say before bursting into tears.

"What!?" I half yelled and she glared at me before crying.

"You yelled me." She sobbed and Edwin smiled at me helplessly before running out.

"I'm sorry, Belle. I didn't mean to baby." I said and kissed her forehead. Her pregnancy hormones are driving both of us crazy. "Tell me what happened. Do you want chocolate cake. Is that it?" I asked and she nodded.

"You know, you don't have to cry. You could have just asked Edwin to bring it for you." I said as I helped her stand up.

"I wasn't crying because of that." She glared at me before pushing me away. "I was crying because. . . because I want chocolate cakes." She started sobbing again.

"Baby that's what I said. You could have just asked Edwin to bring it for you." I replied making her sob more. Gosh. This hormones. She is so sensitive these days that one wrong move and she'll break my head and cry over my death body.

"That's not same." She yelled.

"Ok ok baby. Come one, let's get you to our room. I'll send Edwin to bring you some chocolate cakes." I pulled her to my chest as we walk to our room. I told Edwin to bring Belle's chocolate cake and he immediately ran out knowing that if he bring it late, she collapse the mansion on our heads.

I sat down beside her as she as wiped her tears. Her small baby bump was clearly visible now and I grinned at it.

"Stop smiling like a fool. It makes me want to puke all over you." She huffed in annoyance and she glared at me before turning her back at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Belle." I called as I walked towards the other side to face her and she threw me a nasty glare and turned towards the other side. Now, what did I do?


"No. I don't want to talk to you, Nick. Get out of here.” She said and I frowned.

"What did I do?" I asked as I frowned at her back.

"I'm not talking to you and that's enought. Now get out." She yelled in annoyance and my frown deepened. This woman and her mood swings. She's going to give me grey hairs even before I turn thirty.

"I think. . . I think I want some pickles." She said and turn back to face me and I grinned before standing up.

"I'll go and bring it right away."

"And some garlics, ginger and mayonnaise." She added and I froze.

What the fuck?

"Belle are you sure you want it?" I asked unsure and her eyes again filled with fresh tears.

"Ok ok. I'll bring it just don't cry." I said before rushing out of the room and into the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Ella preparing dinner and decided to ask her to give the ingredients as it will take forever for me to search it myself. "Hey Ella. Can you please give me some ginger, garlics and mayonnaise please." I asked as I took out the pickle from the fridge and she nodded before taking it all out and giving it to me with a smile on her face.

"Is it ok for her to eat all these weird stuffs?" I asked her and she chuckled at me.

"Don't worry about it. Weird cravings are common during pregnancy." She said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Anyway thanks and send the dinner to our room we'll have it there." I said as I ran out without waiting for her reply and ran up the stairs.

As soon as I gave her, she started eating it and I watch her with weird face but made sure she didn't notice or she'll throw another fit about it.

I watch her eat up everything I brought and I almost threw up. Seriously? How can she even have all those. Pregnancy is making her more weirder and weirder but I don't mind it all. As long as she is with me by my side, I don't mind her being weird or crappy or anything.

Soon Edwin brought her cake and she skipped the dinner and had the whole cake for dinner and I watch her in amusement.

"Do you want anything more." I teased and she glared at me.

"Are you mocking me?" She narrow-eyed me and I chuckled at her before placing a kiss on her nose.

"Don't. I'm still angry with you." She pushed me away and I frowned.

"What happened? What did I do?" I asked her but she didn't replied instead she laid down on the bed facing the other side totally ignoring me.

But I didn't give up this time.

I walked towards the other side and before she could turn away, I pulled her up and made her sit on my lap with my hands around her waist and she hit on my chest making me groan.

"Ouch. What happened Belle. Tell me what did I do? Why are you angry with me?" I asked.

"You fucking idiot. I hate you Nikolai Ivanov. I hate you. May you rot in hell. May the devil himself roast you alive." She cursed me and I looked at her with hurt expression. Does she really hate me that much?

"Just tell me what my mistake was Belle and I promise I'll never bother you again." I said taking her aback.

Her eyes started filling with fresh tears and I mentally groaned. What did I do now?

"You want to leave me and go with that woman right? Than go away. I don't need you. I can survive on my own." She said as she tried to move away from my lap but I held her tighter.

This woman will make me go crazy one of these days.

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