Chapter Thirty one

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"You mean, Thomas Wilson and Merida Wilson are your actual parents?" Nick asked as he stare at me with wide eyes and I shot him a weird look before nodding.

"Yeah? Did you know them?" I asked but he didn't reply. He seemed to be long lost in his thoughts when someone knocked on our door. I stood up from the bed and walked towards the door before opening it revealing a breathless Edwin with a bucket of chocolate ice cream.

I grinned at the him before taking the ice cream from him. "Thank you Edwin. And sorry for distrubing you at this time." I shot him an apologetic smile.

"It's fine ma'am. Have a good night." He said before walking away and I closed the door grinning at the ice cream.

"Melania. But. . you. . . The fuck." Nick mumbled to himself as he racked his fingers through his hair in frustration and paced around the room like I was doing before.

I sat down on the bed and suddenly Nick hugged me tightly and I yelped in surprise. This guy.

"Melania." He whispered as he hugged me tighter. "Melli." He kept on saying and I froze before patting his back.

"I thought I . . . I lost you." He mumble into my neck and I could feel his tears on my neck making me more confuse.

"Nick, I'm right here. With you. What do you mean by you thought you lost me? You saying as if. . . as if you are seeing me after decades." I said as I wrapped my arms around him before. I placed a soft kiss on the side of his head as he hugged me tightly like i'll disappear any minute.

He pulled away after some minute and I cupped his face with my palm.

"I missed you Melania. I missed you so much. All this time you were with me, in front of my eyes and I didn't even recognise you." He said with so much regret and guilt making me more confuse.

"What are you talking about Nick?" I asked him as I pulled myself away from him and he frowned.

"Melania. Melli, It's me Nico. Your Nico." He said and I narrowed-eyed him.

"Are you drunk?"

He groaned. "Melania, it's not the time to joke around."

"For God sake stop calling me Melania or Melli. It's annoying me. I prefer to stick with my old name." I scowled at him. Suddenly he stood up like he just realised something and ran out of the room before telling me he'll be back in an hour. This guy will drive me crazy one of these days.

I ate my ice cream and went to sleep because it too late and I was too exhausted to wait for Nick.

He came around 2 in the morning and climbed into the bed before wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on the nap of my neck.

"Where were you? I thought you said you'll be back in one hour." I said in a raspy sleepy voice as I turn my head back to look at him and he let out a soft chuckle before peaking my lips.

"Sleep. I'll tell you in the morning." He said and I nodded before leaning into his warmth.

"Melania." He whispered making me want to snap at him about how I told him not to call me Melania again but I was too tired so, I left it for the morning before falling into a dreamless sleep.

I woke to Nick pampering kisses on my face and I groaned. "Leave a pregnant woman alone Nick. Let her sleep. She is sleeping for two." I said and he chuckled at me.

"It's 9. Let's get you two something to eat." He said as he rubbed my bump and peaked my lips.

"It's already 9?" I asked as I got up from the bed and walked inside the bathroom to shower.

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