Chapter fifty seven: Limbo

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"I'm sorry, did you just say sacrifice?!" Crowe screams out, glaring at Rayne.

"Well yes. In order to control a powerful gift such as the touch of death, sacrifices must be made" Rayne says nonchalantly, walking towards the murky glass window.

"But why Raven? She had so much power, why on earth would you just throw that away?" Crowe grits out through her teeth.

It almost sounded like she was concerned and those words were caring coming from her black heart. Almost.

"Don't you think that's a threat to my power?"

"Your power?! It's ours!"

"No my dear, I'm afraid you've gotten it wrong" Rayne says, chuckling.

"What on earth do you mean?"

"He means you've been tricked, mother..." Blake says, watching the wizard intently.

"You mean to tell me all these years you've been using me?!"

Everyone's attention is turned to Rayne who had his back facing us. Slowly he turns around for us to witness his maniacal facial expression.

"You're a powerful sorceress Crowe. You had the heart of the god of death wrapped around your delicate finger. How could I not use you? You were the key to destroying my enemy. By taking away the one thing he loved most, he crumbled. And then his eldest son abandoned him. It was all going so perfect! He'd be left completely alone. Except for her. She wouldn't leave" Rayne says, turning his attention towards me with a piercing glare.

I look him dead in the eye and just smile, since I can now do that and all.

"What do you expect? Raven's always been a daddy's girl" Blake mutters from the corner of the room.

"Well not for long. He's not going to want you now that you're human" Rayne sneers at me before turning towards my brother.

"I've got to admit Blake. You've always intrigued me. Would you ever consider taking your mother's place? It would be easier after all since you'd be with your son" Rayne says, smirking as he catches Crowe's gobsmacked expression from the corner of his eye.

For a long while, Blake remained silent. Almost as if he was actually considering the offer. Surely he wasn't right? He wouldn't abandon me again would he?

No of course not. He's assured me he cares for me and everything. There's no way on earth he'd leave me!

"What would the role consist of?" Blake questions, leaving me speechless.

Again and again with this boy. He just keeps betraying me. I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised since this is what, the fifth time he's done it?

"You'd be my right hand man of course! We're alike you and I. And do I need to mention the power you'll be receiving from this?"

Silence fills the room as Blake surveys his options. He looks from Rayne to me then Rayne again.

"On one condition" he announces in front of all of us. Rayne smirks as he motions for him to continue, grinning at me like the Cheshire Cat.

"The sacrifice isn't Raven"

His words shock me. I was so quick to judge...

He does care...

"Blake, don't you understand how long I've been intending to use her for? Who else would be a decent sacrifice?!" Rayne roars, clearly annoyed.

I turn to Blake as he looks at me and his gaze reassures me. He walks over to Rayne and pats him on the shoulder. He then whispers in his ear and his eyes light up at his words.

"Why that's... genius! You truly are just like me" he grins, turning his attention to Crowe.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Crowe asks, glaring back at her now ex lover.

"Blake here came up with a better sacrifice. You!" Rayne says, breaking out into a chuckle.

"What?! Why me!" Crowe screams, taking a few steps backwards.

Rayne advances towards her until he has her pinned against the wall. He leans in closer, whispering in her ear.

"Death still loves you my dear. To take you away from him would be the best revenge I could ever ask for" Rayne says, a smirk etching across his face.

Crowe's eyes widen in fear. How could he do this to her? Even I thought he loved her. Then again, you can never trust a wizard. Especially one that messes with the dark arts...

"That's impossible! He can't still love me... can he?" Crowe asks, her voice almost breaking off into a whisper.

"Think about it mother..." Blake spat, glaring at her.

"What are you implying?" I ask through gritted teeth. I don't believe what he's saying.

"He's the god of death. Why are you still alive if he 'hates' you so much?"

Silence filled the room, processing the information. My brother had a point. But at the same time, he didn't...

"Because of the rules Blake. He can't kill whoever he wants without breaking the balance, and you know how strict he is when it comes to the balance" I say, creating a flaw in his earlier statement.

"Oh come on Raven. He's the god of death, if he really hated someone or thought they were a threat to his family, he would've killed them without batting an eyelid" Blake announces, raising an eyebrow towards me as if I should've already known that.

But what he said was true. He is a god for heavens sake! Why couldn't I see this before? Perhaps I just liked playing oblivious...

I didn't want to see the truth.

"See Crowe dear! He still loves you. Now it's your time in this world to end. Don't worry, I'm sure your soul will finds it's way to good old Thanatos! That is unless something terrible happens!" Rayne bursts into a bellowing laughter as Crowe's eyes go wide with fear.

But I should be celebrating this moment. Crowe was finally going to be put to an end! She'd be gone, out of my life forever!

But deep down, I know this would crush my father. He'd be devastated.

But it serves him right! It's his fault in the first place for falling for a human. She can be gone for all I care!




But there's a little part of me that doesn't want this to happen. I don't want my father to get hurt, even if he lied to me my entire life. And even though I may hate my 'mother', would I really want her dead?




Damn this human body.

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