Chapter fifty nine: Newborn Problems

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It has been a few weeks since my mother died. It's all still a hazy memory to me though. I soon found out what that bang was. It was none other than Leo breaking down the door to get to us. To me. Apparently he barged in just as Rayne was charging an attack at me, but instead, Crowe jumped in front of me.

I was shocked to hear it myself. Perhaps she did care for me after all?

But what I couldn't understand was why Leo has brought Luke along with him. He knew I never wanted to see his face again. But when I saw him, I didn't hate it. It was almost like I had missed him. Is it possible to miss someone you thought you hated?

Regardless, my drama with Luke can wait. I have a bigger problem on my hands. Blake's son for instance, and this whole otherworldly war that's brewing. I was in the midst of recruiting after all. Who knew the vampire king would be my biggest concern above everything.

Even Rayne.

Currently the sorcerer is locked somewhere in the underworld and my father has personally thrown away the key. I'm more concerned why the god of death is allowing that cretin to live rather than just kill him on the spot.

But of course there's always that annoying issue with the balance, so that could explain it.

There has been no news about the vampire king. I'm assuming he's biding his time for as long as possible. Why do I feel like he's planning something? Something big as well. Something that could possibly lead to my demise...

But we will worry about that later.

For now, I must maintain my duties as future goddess of the underworld, since it's clear Blake will not be taking over the throne.

"Raven how are you feeling today?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Ally steps into the room. She's been staying here ever since I was rescued. I think she feels somewhat guilty since she led to me being a mortal and all.

"Empty" I reply, looking out my bedroom window.

"You know, Leo's in the throne room waiting to see you. He said he's got something important to tell you, so I thought I'd let you know how urgent he is"

"Leo is and always will be a drama queen. He is probably exaggerating how urgent he needs to see me."

"I am not a drama queen!" Leo says, storming into the room.

"Would you prefer drama king or prince?" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"I actually do have something important to tell you about Adam, but if you would like me to just take my drama elsewhere, I will!"

"Oh for the love of death, will you just get to the point?"

"I've had word that the reason we haven't seen Adam leave his home is because he was never there to begin with"

"Wait, does that mean..."

"He's on the move" Ally suddenly says, speaking up with a frightened tone.

"I knew something didn't feel right. Ally needs to be under supervision now, constantly. She needs someone with her at all times, maybe even two. Leo did you tell Callum about this?"

"Not yet, I thought it was best I tell you first"

"Raven, I actually have something to tell you..."

Ally starts fidgeting as Leo and I turn towards her.

"Ally?" Leo looks at her with concern, whereas I have an idea of what she could possibly be about to say.

"I'm pregnant"

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?" Leo yells out.

"Thank you for letting the whole underworld know, drama queen" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Why aren't you shocked about this?" Leo says, turning to me.

"I was expecting it to happen. Now the question is how to get rid of it"

"Excuse me, did you just say get rid of it?" Ally asks me.

I simply nod in annoyance as I start scrambling for a solution.

"I will do no such thing. I want to keep the baby"

That's when I burst into a fit of laughter. She can't be serious can she? Doesn't she know the consequences?

"Ally darling, you are not keeping that abomination unless you can prove to me that the baby does not belong to a certain vampire king"

"But Raven I heard DNA tests can be harmful to the baby!"

"And that baby could be harmful to the whole universe. I told you when you first mentioned that you were late for your period that if you were pregnant with Adams child, it would give it power to end all life as we know it."

"But it could be Callum's baby too!"

"Again, if you can prove to me that the baby is his, I won't harm a hair on its head. But trust me ally, you could have a little devil brewing inside you right now, and I am not leaving it there to grow and manifest power stronger than my own"

"What's wrong with a little devil?" Leo asks, dumbfounded.

"Really not the time your dramaticness"

"Will you stop using that against me? I am not a drama queen!"

"I'll stop using it against you as soon as you stop acting like one!"

"Will you two stop it!" Ally shouts out. We both turn to her, confused.

"This is my body, and my baby. I am the only one that will decide what I want to do with it. And I want to keep this baby, and I will make sure that when they are born, they are healthy"

"Ally I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying-"

"Raven I appreciate exactly what you are saying. I know your concerns lie elsewhere but if the baby turns out to be what we fear, we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Death is not always the solution"

"You're saying that to a reaper, you know that right? Death is all they know" Leo exclaims, rolling his eyes.

"Ally I will only say this once. If that baby does turn out to be his, I will not hold back any mercy. And I will kill it for the greater good"

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