8- Impersonation

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I sit on the banks of an unnamed river,

Twisting my plaits playfully,

My legs dangling into the crystal waters,

Insanely grinning at my liberty,

I hum a tune off-kilter,

And giggle at my own lunacy,

Life is a joy or so I think,

With childish innocence pure,

The yellow shawl I found yesterday,

Was tied around my neck like a cape,

I love dramatics, you see,

And this one made me feel like a queen,

Born to breathe air into the forest,

I splash water all over myself,

Enjoying each droplet that danced,

I gamboled around the clearing,

Laughing to myself that the life I yearned,

Was at the reach of my finger tips,

I play with the peacock feather I found yesterday,

And stick it into my head whimsically,

And that is when-

Someone from behind,

Shut my eyes,

The touch....

A caress of love....

My breath hitches and I sit up sharply...

'Who?'  I gasp.

'Who else?' comes the reply,

My heart hammers across my chest,

As I realize the sound of that voice,

I've been searching all my life,

And here He is!

The sound of that lilting tongue,

That chases me from ages bygone,

And that scent of incense and basil,

Leaves my senses ruffled,

I blindly  reach out to the pair of hands,

To take a glace at his form,

"Not so soon", a lilting croon,

And I find myself in a melting mess.

"Impersonating me, hun?", He chuckles,

And I feel my knees go weak ,

Tears wet my eyes and I feel myself falling,

Into an abyss of love and despair,

My impure tears wetting His lovely fingers,

"Sorry", I whisper and tremble at the feel of His touch,

Whatever did I do to deserve this?

"Do not ever", softly He murmurs.

"I've a gift for you" , I say

Foolish I know,

Who could give Him a gift?

"And what is it?" He asks amused,

"My love for you" I reply, hesitant.

I don't know what made me say it.

Atleast it felt like an unleashing,

He sighs. 

Tears sting my eyes and I don't hold them back.

Those hands release my eyes,

And when I whip around ,

Instead of Him, 

All that's left is a garland,

A garland of red roses ,

Interspersed with basil leaves,

I reach up to it and pull it down my neck,

And move up the burbling brook,

To take in my reflection.

Atleast now, my impersonation-

Of Him is complete.

But, only tears remain,

At this separation....

"How long ?" I shudder.

"How long ?" 

"But my searching journey 

is no where near complete."

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