40- Artificial separation

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Silence slips steadily, Sri Hari,

Around this veil of darkness,

Woven mistily with threads of desire,

This artificial separation chillingly boils.

Once long ago, one we were,

The two that were one, merged,

The one that was all in this world,

Thoughts of thine, begone every morn.

My slithering senses sense emptiness,

Between us, our history dormant,

And our future questioningly hangs.

This artificial separation chillingly boils.

Diluted feelings, ignorance seeps,

You let it spill in and blind,

My receptors to worldly pleasure,

And your face swims into focus.

Dull and lethargic, my mind pixellates,

An empty billowing veil that separates,

Hangs in balance demarcating my reach,

This artificial separation chillingly boils.

And then you appear to turn away,

Other voices break into my head,

Herding me away, enticing my desire,

Ignorance propels: to lift a knife and aim,

A knife made from Cupid's arrow,

A knife to kill, a knife to hurt,

Blisters in bumps rise along my skin,

This artificial separation chillingly boils.

So, I drop the dagger of death,

A tiny miss, the knife remains put,

But down next to my blistered feet,

I turn around to face the veil in between.

A veil turned inside out, facing me,

Hazy and dull, my heart thumps,

Hazy and dull, your face disappears,

This artificial separation chillingly boils.

My senses blind me, darkness percolates,

My heart betrays me, an emptiness wakes,

In a blinded world, betrayed loyally,

I try to reach out and pour into you.

Alas, that very veil thickens 

And you might as well be lost to me.

Ignorance beckons, and to escape, I need you,

This artificial separation chillingly boils.

Come home to me, Kanha, come home.

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