Chapter 12

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I parked in front of the pack house. Mason was at the front door holding it open. I quickly turned the car off and ran to the door my whole body soaked with the icy pouring rain.

The harsh rushing wind sending a small shiver through me as it moved my wet cloth against my body. Mason shut the door as soon as I stepped inside with a thud.

I turned to him to see a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He turned around as I quickly changed out of my soaked clothes as it clung to my body. I was already late and other werewolves were used to nakedness as part of our wolf shifts.

The doorway had a small hall that then turned to living room and dining table. No one was in the hall but I could hear the arguing voices in the living room.

As I changed I asked Mason, "Last person to see him?" I pulled the shirt over me.

"It was Ray. But he reported that the rogue hadn't moved from his spot he didn't show any signs. His round at 2:00." Ray a guard in charge of the prisoners. I pulled the shorts before telling him I was done.

We walked to the living room. The room fell into silence as I stepped in. Thomas stood at the with his back to me facing the group of the pack. It included Ray, Henry, Mason's assistant in training the pack, Devin, the interrogator, and a couple of the top fighters in the pack.

Thomas turned to me when he saw everyone stopped talking. Mason went to stand against the wall besides Henry since all the seats were taken.

I turned to Thomas asking him to report everything to me. "Ray had done his regular rounds in the morning and afternoon. He reported no difference. Ray said that he heard commotion from the prisoners so he went to check and found him already dead. It had strangled itself with the chains it was in. We checked the cameras to see if anyone entered during the time but no one did. The patrols didn't pick up anything strange either. The only thing left about the rogue was that both prisoners saying before he strangled himself he kept repeating 'He will come back for the pack. You belong to him.'" I furrowed my eyebrows trying to concentrate.

"Durning the interrogation he didn't say anything, right?" I asked Devin and he nodded back.

"He never said a word." If I was like any normal alpha I would be growling in frustration but I of course wasn't.

"Henry have the fighters in training and ready. Thomas code 3 on the patrol from now on. Mason inform the pack to keep an eye out. Any rogue sightings or scents are reported to me and the kids are only allowed on the inner borders. Any trip to town needs my notice. Got it?" All the men in the room nodded. "We are not under attack but are prepared for it. We will take this as a threat and our top priority is the pack. Have the safe house checked and prepared. Tonight we will be on high alert everyone. Get the pack inside until tomorrow. The weather will make it hard to keep an eye out so inform the patrols to be careful. Inform them to keep an eye on the children." After that I dismissed them I went to the kitchen with Mason and Thomas.

I sat on the island chair staring at the window outside as the trees were shook by the wind. The only sound in the room was the sound of the rain hitting the glass.

We hadn't gotten a threat in so long. It wouldn't worry me but these were rogues. They had a tendency of not following the rules. The last time they put up a fight was years ago. Ever since they had stayed back.

"What are you thinking about Rue?" Asked Thomas who sat on my left and Mason sat on my right. Thomas pushed a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich before me, my favorite. I hadn't noticed how long I was in my own head.

"Nothing just....why would they threaten my pack? They could just challenge me instead. It has been years." I said taking a bit out of the cheesy goodness. I mumbled a thanks to Thomas.

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