Chapter Fifty-Six

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December 22nd, 2019


I groaned and rolled over in my bed. I was sore everywhere and I felt weak in many more places. Then I heard a gasp in the room, instantly I snapped my eyes open.

Seconds later someone brought be into their chest, "stupid girl!" Weni sobbed into my shoulder. "Don't ever do something like that ever again!" She squeezed me tighter.

Wait. Hold on a second I'm alive? "H-how?" I wrapped my hands around her squeezing her small frame to me. Then I thought of my mate I reached out for the golden string, Zaivinth?

She pulled back, tears still in her eyes. It brought tears to my own, "I had to go to the underworld, your soul was almost unreachable."

"The underworld?" Then it hit me, "why would you risk yourself and go there for me?" I hugged her tightly again.

"Why? Because I love you stupid girl," we embraced for a little while longer, then the door swung open.

I sucked in a breath as I looked at my mate. His hair disheveled, his clothes looked like they were just thrown on. "Sheila!" He gasped out as Weni moved off me.

I opened my arms out for him, as he fell into my hug. He wrapped a hand around me and grasped the back of my head, pulling me into his chest. His other hand pulled me into his lap as he squeezed me tight. I barely even noticed the door close behind Weni as she left.

"Are you real," he held me so tight, as if he thought I would disappear again. "Is this reality?" I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me, holding back his tears.

"I think so," I wasn't sure. Though I snuggled into his chest, he hooked a finger under my chin and brought up my face.

I tried to sit back and talk to him, though he just tightened his arms around me. The butterflies flew in my stomach. He just rocked us back and forth until I overwhelmed with sleep and started to doze off. Though he shook me awake, "Sheila?"

    "Hm? Yes?" My eyes fluttered opened as I looked up at him looking down at me with worry in his eyes.

    He let out a large sigh of relief. "I'm sorry," he apologized, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just thought..." his eyes clouded over, "you were gone again." He looked away from me, staring at the bed.

    I frowned and reached my hands to his cheeks and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I'm here. Im okay. I'm going to be okay." I gave a soft smile. He smiled back at me, though I knew that it will be a long time until he copes with what had happened.

    It's been a week since I had risen from the dead and tomorrow or maybe today as I look at the dark sky ahead, I would have to go talk to the sirens. I couldn't deny the fact that I was terrified of the encounter. I was laying in my mates arms in our room.

    Today I had just been released from my 'bed ridden' title, and now I was looking out the large window doors that lead to the large balcony. I had a lot on my mind.

    I pretended to be asleep, knowing that my mate was awake, watching over my every movement. His arm was wrapped around my waist, his other underneath my head. We have been glued together for the last week. He hadn't left my side, and has been a complete doll. Especially because I had been on the time of the month this past week, and my muscles had shut down due to being dead for pretty much the entirety of the week prior.

    I had to rely on him to do anything and everything. Even walking myself to the bathroom, and not to mention the fact that he has to help me bathe. I felt so bad for stopping him from doing his every day things. Though he just smiles and says, "I'd do this for eternity knowing that I can be with you, rather than the alternative," then his expression darkened and he would hug me a little tighter.

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