Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Haha the funny number.

January 25th, 2020


    "Oh my gods," I raised a hand to my mouth. "I completely forgot." I kind of just stepped into the shoes of queen and didn't even think about the process of actually becoming a queen in title. Every time the time was right, something came up, for example this war, or me dying, every time it's been wrong.

    "I had a feeling." He chuckled, rubbing circles into my back. "Should we plan it for a week from now?" A week?! Was he insane? There was now way the castle and myself will be ready in a week from now. Hell I don't know if these meetings will be done in a week. Not to mention dealing with 'Queen Maeve' a raging pain in my ass. "Hear me out." He raised a hand in defense before I could speak on how stupid this idea was.

    "If we plan it a week out from now, that means that there is a deadline on these meetings, which will help us come to a conclusion easier. Everything needs an ending in sight, and right now there is none. These negotiations could go on forever." He looked out into the forest and I think I fell in love with him even more.

    I wrapped my arms around his waist once more. Nudging my head against his chest, "Sheila?" He sounded surprised at the sudden action. Sure my affection wasn't an everyday thing. Though recently, I've came to conclusion that I truly only live once, and that could end at any moment. One moment earth is on your side, the next, you're six feet under.

    "I love it when you say something smart." I sighed, "my mate is so smart." I looked at him and he was looking down at me with shock in his eyes. I just wanted to eat him up, I loved him so much.

    He patted my head, "I'm not that smart," he sighed, "you're the smart one in this relationship." I gasped out loud.

    "What are you saying? You are much smarter than me." I said that truthfully, I knew that I could always rely on him to come up with anything. I was always safe with him. He always knew how to address a situation and no detail goes unnoticed, I inspire to be someone like him.

    "Well let's call us even, we are good in the other persons weakness. After all we are mates, the perfect match to each other." I nodded, and we were at the door.

    "See you at dinner, I'll tell Selven about the coronation and start planning immediately." He released me from his arms, yet I didn't let go of him till a second later.

    "Alright I'll see you later," we gave each other a soft kiss, and I turned to leave. Though something came to my mind, "make sure you invite the King of Werewolves, and his family." I smiled and placed a hand on the door.

    "Alright," he didn't need to ask questions, because he understood. He understands that I wanted to show off, who I have become, what I have, what I have made of myself. I pulled the door open and closed it behind me.

    "I hope the world hasn't fallen apart yet." I spoke to the people in the meeting room.

I was walking down the hall with Cebrus next to me, we were talking about war and the gruesomely exciting parts of it. Talking with Cebrus was a perfect outlet for my insanity. Because he takes it at face value and doesn't think I'm off my rocker.

"He was like 'he will hang your intestines on these walls'" I joked with Cebrus, raising my hands to mock Azai. "I should have been like, 'don't give me idea's,'" I groaned, and we laughed together.

"I wish I could have seen," sighed Crbrus. His crew was dealing with the courtyard of the Faeries Palace, Dragons dealt with the outside, while the elves pretty much dealt with the inside.

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