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The next day I meet up with Matt at this cute little cafe that sells the worst coffee I've ever tasted. Still, it's nice to get away from the bustle of home life, especially seeing as my weirdo Aunt is staying with us. Matt was already waiting in the corner when I arrived and I don't know why but I was kind of hoping that he had brought Jethro with him. I want to shout at him for forcing me to walk home by myself yesterday, but I guess I'm also relieved that he isn't here. Just imagine the awkwardness. Matt greets me with a grin and pushes a latte over the table. I sit down across from him and sigh, expressing my inner disgust to the open world. Disgust at nothing in particular except life.
"What's up with you?" he asks, blowing into his mug. 'I don't know...everything' I think.
"Don't even go there" I say and he knows not to pick at the topic. I've realised that my friends are keeping their distance a lot more nowadays and I think they're trying to let me handle this on my own. I don't think they know that I really need them to pry and open me up so I can get better before I begin to get worse.
"Have you spoke to Katherine about Josh yet?" I question, taking a sip of my coffee and burning my tongue almost immediately. He shakes his head.
"No, what's happening with them?"
"I'm not exactly sure. Last I heard, he broke up with her for that girl...Clemency I think, but he hasn't asked anyone else out and I'm pretty confident that they were flirting yesterday" I fill him in and he nods slowly.
"I bet you ten pounds that they'll be together by the end of the week" Matt smiles.
"I would but I don't want to lose ten pounds." He laughs quietly.
"So, what about you then?" Matt changes the topic. I don't know what he means.
"While we're on the topic of romance, is there anyone you have your eye on?"
I roll my eyes at the twinkle in his, but smile to myself because the answer is no. Sure, Jethro is cute, but he's too...annoying, yeah that's the right word. I need to be with someone who can calm me down or make me forget and no one can do that.
"No." I say it plain and simple. He raises his eyebrows.
"Really, I'm surprised." I don't know why.
"And why is that?" I inquire, putting my elbows on the table and cocking my head to one side.
"I was thinking that maybe Jethro and you had something going on...You did get in his car yesterday" Matt starts, but I cut him off short.
"Wait...what? How do you know about that?"
"I saw you speaking yesterday and I got intrigued so I watched you for a bit" he explains.
"Stalker style" I mutter, looking into the swirling brown liquid beneath my nose.
"Nothing." He shrugs again and risks taking a sip of his coffee. He doesn't appear to burn his mouth so I follow in pursuit. Like I said, the coffee tastes disgusting, but it is still better than listening to my brother moan and my other relatives watch deal or no deal on our TV with only three channels.
"What do you think of Jethro anyway?" he asks and I find myself grinning a little.
"I honestly cannot stand the guy" I say truthfully and all of a sudden I hope Matt and Jethro aren't that close. I don't want to start any arguments, despite having a temper on me.
"Well, you better get used to him being around. He's moving to our school as soon as we get back and by the rate that he's getting to know people, he'll be the most popular guy in school within one day of lessons" Matt smirks, and my hand pauses in motion, coffee cup halfway to touching my pursed lips. Could anything worse actually happen to me?
"How marvellous" I say, placing the cup down and not trying even a little bit to hide my anger. I mean, what did I expect? A new guy that I am slowly beginning to hate turns up, suddenly declaring that he's moving here and I really thought that he wouldn't apply to the same stupid school. I hate this stupid town and it's stupid people. I just didn't realise how much until he came along.
The boy in the graveyard is really starting to turn my life upside down for the second time within a month. And let me tell you...
I am not in the slightest way happy about it.

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