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Oh my Gosh! The response I've been getting from this book is amazing. I am writing this chapter for everyone that commented, read or voted. It means the world to me.

My nightmares are of a boy with blue eyes. He morphed into my Dad and then back. Into a skeleton and then back. It's almost like someone is trying to remind me that I'm halfway there to being an orphan. I wake up, my head pounding with the echoes of bad dreams. I sigh, relieved. I was sub-consciously dreaming of a mysterious boy I met in a graveyard. It's been three days since the funeral and life hasn't really altered. To be honest, I think us three will be fine. The only problem is that it's the holidays, so I have plenty of time to mourn for the deceased. Anyway, less depressing stuff. I'm officially not a loser. I have been out with my school friends every day since... you know. Today is no exception. As I attempt to smooth out my rough curls using a small brush, I shrug a pair of trousers over my legs with one hand. My ear is pressed to my shoulder as I speak to Katherine over the phone.
"Yeah yeah, I get it, it'll be awkward with Josh cos you haven't seen him since the break up" I repeat, rolling my eyes behind the phone.
"Oh and apparently Matt has invited this adorable boy to join us" Katherine drawls over the phone. I raise my eyebrows.
"You sure?" I ask. I can almost feel her nod.
"Well, that's what Jess says."
"Nice, okay, I'll be down the park in about five" I say, proud that my jeans are finally on.
"Hurry Mon, cute boys await." I laugh and hang up. I quickly shove a shirt over my head. Oh, the rain stopped a day after my Dad's funeral, but it's still pretty chilly, so I wrap my arms into a Hollister hoodie. I mutter a brief goodbye to my depressing family, who are watching the news and leave them behind in their mini pit of despair.
Only Jess and Kat are on the park, Jess on the swing and Kat on the railing. I wave my hand in a greeting and Jess smiles a huge grin at me. The boys are no where to be seen.
"Where are Matt and Josh?" I question, standing before my flamboyant friends.
"No idea, Have you seen the new guy?" Jess squeals. I shrug.
"Oh my god, he's gorgeous, just saying" Katherine butts in. I look around.
"Well, where are they?" I inquire, desperate for a peek at this so called God. "Guys... come on, no fair!" Jess is smirking at me and Kat's mouth is open in a small o. I turn to see what they're looking at. I can't believe it. How's this possible? I thought I was the only one who could see him, but I must be wrong, because Jethro is laughing with Matt and Josh by his sides. The girls were right. He's handsome. The rain didn't do him many favours yesterday though.
"Oh my God..." I mutter under my breath, turning back to the girls. They are both giggling uncontrollably at my response. I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment, as they boys walk up to us, punching each other playfully. Jethro holds a football under his arm. I close my eyes and breathe out. This is it, I've reached an all time low. I bet I'm sleeping and I have just imagined everything. I'm mental. Crazy. Psyche. I need help.
"Hey Mon!" Josh cries wrapping his arm around me and then Matt does the same. I just look at Jethro, waiting for him to notice me. At the moment he appears to be talking to Katherine who is flirting immensely. He turns around after she starts muttering to much that he can't understand her and locks eyes with me. A wave of recognition changes his features for a second and then he smiles.
"Hi, I'm Jet, you are?" I look at his hand that he has outstretched. He ignored mine so I'll discard his.
"Monica" I reply solemnly and turn to talk to Josh, who is chatting with Jess.
"Guys, who is he?" I whisper, hoping he won't hear me. Josh answers.
"Jet, he moved here last week." I nod, but I don't believe a thing he's saying. My friends can trust him all they like, but I know he has a secret. And I'll wait as long as it takes to figure it out.

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