Letter To The Readers Brought Here by The Never Hero

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Dear Reader,

If you were brought here by the Rolly sample ebook, you can skip this, as you are already in the know. If you don't want to read this and want to get straight to the book, thats cool too! Move on to the prolog.

The Disclaimer | The sample chapters contained here are both a beta draft and a social media experiment. Rolly - The Broken Mind Sagas, is also a tad more R-Rated than The Chronicles Of Jonathan Tibbs.

Translation: I was surprised to find out Sociopaths have fantasies too.

Rolly is a side project of mine, and has not reached the end of its first draft. The series will likely get additional focus once The Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs are completed. I must warn you before reading that the preview is far from a finished or polished work. As such, please keep this in mind when judging its value. For context, The Never Hero went through multiple rewrites before it met its first beta-reader.  At current writing (02-18-15), Rolly is still a twinkle in its author's eyes, only on its initial draft.  An unfortunate symptom of this is that the text will be overhauled drastically before the novel is made available for sale. Entire characters, back stories, and scenes may be altered or removed by the final publication.  

After such a disclaimer, you may be wondering: "T. Ellery, why it is that you are providing this sample?"  It does seem a bit of a risky venture doesn't it?  

The Rolly Experiment

 The most common review The Never Hero receives from readers: 

"I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. I don't think I've ever read a story like this." 

The Never Hero, well, it 'never' easily fit into a genre mold... Seriously T. Ellery, Did I just read a superhero novel? An alien invasion novel? A time travel novel? or was that suppose to be a SciFi thriller? 

This creates a dilemma. Knowing where to look for those who are interested in the same mix of mind bending psychological action is tricky. Since deciding to publish as an Indie author, I've searched for ways to engage avid readers and interested fans of The Never Hero who are looking to find one another and start a conversation. It's my hope, that by providing this sample content, I can hear from all those who would like to be involved in seeing this and similar styles of story telling.  

 "But how?" you ask. If you are one of the people I just described, and you enjoy this sample, From there, you can quietly read, offer your thoughts or predictions, or actively participate in her evolution.  I welcome and crave your input. 

I welcome discussion of all sorts:

-Are you a reader and think fans of The Never Hero or Rolly would love something else you've read? Let us know

-Like/hate the cover art? Let me know

-Got a theory were this is all headed? One of my favorite things to hear from readers

-Want to know what inspired a character? Prepare to be disappointed with my honest answers! 

-Interested in seeing some fan art?  Me too! I can't draw...

-Hate something about the story? I'm listening

-Are you a writer and think I might enjoy your work? Hello new friend!

-Listening to a Podcast that you think like minded people will enjoy? 

-Want to tell me what you had for breakfast... okay, but that's weird

-Are you a guy and need relationship advise? My wife would be happy to tell you why you're wrong

-Are you a girl and need relationship advise? Don't listen to anything my wife says

Okay... that got weird, but the point is, no discussion is off the table.  Be civil, please do not go to extreme measures to prove me wrong... I'm wrong five or six times a day as it is


As part of this experiment, I'd like to offer anyone who puts themselves out there and drops a comment of over 150 words a chance to have their name (or name of a loved one) given to one of the characters in the 3rd installment of The Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs. If you're interested, write #RollyExperiment at the end of your comment. I will collect these entries and randomly select winners. Contest entries can start today 02-18-15 and will end when I feel like it.

Important Note: If your name is Seymour Butts, or one of his close relatives, I'm looking at you Al Coholic and I.P. Freely...  I'm not falling for that again. In all honesty, I'll probably give you a virtual high five for something original but, without going into a lot of legal specifics that I have no doubt I am unqualified to research, I'm just going to say that I'll be the judge of whether or not an entry comment or winner's selected name was in the spirit of this contest. I will reserve the right to choose an alternate winner in the event that someone can't play nice in our sandbox. This is a T. Ellery Hodges version of the fine print. 

At this point, I need to go look up my 7th grade English teacher and tell her I started a essay contest. I wish you all happy reading and look forward to hearing from you.

I'll stop rambling on now.  Hope you enjoy this preview and thanks for reading!


T. Ellery Hodges

Rolly | The Broken Mind SagasWhere stories live. Discover now