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Rolly whipped around from the blow. The nerves of her face lit up hot where Sandy's fist had struck. She spit blood onto the rooftop, taking a moment longer than was necessary--It was important to sell these things.

The men that surrounded her had devolved into a street gang watching a brawl. They cheered on their leader as he extracted justice.

"Kick her ass, Sands," A man yelled from within the throng.  

She'd killed enough of these assholes's friends in the last few days. They had all been  dreaming of this moment. Daydreams, of course, she doubted any them had been dumb enough to sleep much of late. No, getting revenge for their fallen comrades was something they'd been imagining  while they hunkered in fear of the girl who slit their throats in the dark.  Whenever they dropped their guard. Now that they finally had her alone, trapped, unarmed, and forced out of her element, she was surprised they weren't shitting themselves with the chance to get their crack at her. 

To let out all that fear she'd put them through; let them feel like the killers again.

These men didn't like that they could be hunted. Down below, in what still remained of the inner city streets, anyone of them alone would of been a dead man coming after her, a fact they had become painfully aware of. Yet, all fifteen of them had managed to get her at a disadvantage. This was a dog fight and they were all so sure their muscle would be the deciding factor.

She turned back abruptly, stronger still than they'd expected, and hammered a fist into Sandy's gut. When the blow made him keel over unexpectedly, her elbow drove into his forehead.

Rolly made a grab to get hold of the Sandy's shoulders, toss him off balance, but he knew how to take pain. He brushed her arms aside, putting his weight into a forward rush. The mass of him knocked her back, made them stagger into the center of the roof. 

Further away from the onlookers, she took another shot at him, but he was fast, ducked under her fist and got inside. His massive hand coming up behind her and getting a grip on her long hair, spinning her about, while pulling her into a head lock against his chest. She let out a squeal of pain and surprise; gave the crowd what it wanted, a chance to see her turning into into something fragile.

Finally out of ear shot, her face no longer visible to the crowd, her head turned up so Sandy could hear her.

"Stop being a bitch Sands," Rolly said. "I can take it."

Rolly | The Broken Mind SagasWhere stories live. Discover now