Chapter 6

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Rolly checked her watch, giving it a moment as she took a sleeve to her boot and removed the blood that had given up her position. It didn’t feel like a trap, if Sandy had known she was still here, he didn’t need an elaborate rouse to draw out the boyt. Clearly, he was working with the men, but he didn’t want them to succeed. It was curious, but now was not the time to ponder it. If the help was honest, then Rolly needed to use it.

She turned to Ewan, still stowed away in the Kayak. His tears had stopped, his head turned to the plastic lining of that little boat’s haul. It wasn’t a good change, he looked like he was a breath away from going catatonic on her, lost in grief for his mother. They didn't have time for it.

She stepped out beside him and knelt down slowly. At first she was at a loss for what to say. Had things been otherwise, she’d of slapped the kid on the forehead and told him his hundred yard stare would have to wait. There wasn’t time to sit around and think about the crappy hand they had been dealt. Unfortunately, her other half was only going to have a fit if she didn’t think of a gentle way to get him on his feet.

She’d never planned to tell the little parasite that his mother was deceased. She was going to let him keep his hope, let his father give the news if she could manage to get to the man. 

“Ewan,” Rolly said.

The boy didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge his name at all.

She reached into her pocket for the small blue light.

“I know,” Rolly said, holding up his mother’s last gift. “You want to hide in there forever.”

His eyes moved, focusing on the light dangling from its chain above him.

“But your mom," Rolly said.  "She made me promise to get you out of here.”

She lowered the light down onto the back of his palm. His eyes watched it come to rest, touch the outside of his skin. He drew in a deep breath and then took hold of it quickly, gripping it tightly against him.

“I need you to put it aside for now; bury it until the right time," Rolly said. "I can’t carry you out of here. So here is the deal,  all you have to do is follow me, step where I step, wait when I wait. Hide when I tell you. Stay quiet. I won’t ask you to do anything more.”

Ewan stared up at her, his eyes searching her face. It took him awhile, but finally he spoke.

“That’s all I have to do?” he whispered, his voice bracing not to unravel into a fit of crying.

Rolly nodded her head, just once.

His hand reached out to her slowly, unsure. Gently at first, she took hold of it, pulling him slowly through the opening and onto his feet.

That was… The voice started to speak, but seemed in awe that the boy had agreed, been made to move after what he’d learned. Rolly, how did you know what to say?

Same speech I gave you, Homeschool, Rolly replied. At least Ewan didn’t force me to carry him. 

There was a pause, and the voice didn’t respond. By the time she had Ewan on his feet, Molly finally spoke.

I don’t remember it, she said.

Rolly sighed, easing herself back down to the floor. She signaled with two fingers for Ewan to follow her, watching his footing to make sure he made no noise.

Well, you must of heard,  Rolly said. It was the day you left my cell unlocked.


Rolly pointed to a corner next to a fire exit in the stock room, telling Ewan to stay put. He watched her as she moved up and down the aisles scanning the shelves. 

What are we doing? Molly asked. The kid is waiting right next to an exit, let’s go.

Rolly rolled her eyes as she picked up a small black backpack from one of the racks.

Thanks for your imput. Clearly you didn't notice that this was a shopping opportunity, this will go fabulous with my shoes, Rolly replied.

Rolly turned the corner, her eyes still searching the racks above her as she pulled a cotton shirt off its handger and shoved it into the bag. Her eyes locked on a cardboard box on one of the second tiers, the outside said Coleman.  

You’re wasting time, we should be getting as far away...

Rolly cut the girl off.

For Christ’s sake Molly, you’re like a side seat driver. There's a reason you aren’t locking me up. So go read a book or whatever the hell it is you do when you aren't badgering me, Rolly replied as she began to climb the rack. She crouched on the shelf, pulled her blade out, and quickly sliced open the shipping tape around the box.

Just tell me what the hell you’re thinking.

Rolly pulled three canisters from the box. They were green, heavy with liquid, and marked camping propane. She shoved them into the bag with the shirt.


She let out an exasperated breath.

Three reasons. One, charging out into a street full of Charlies with nowhere safe to go is a dumbshit Molly plan. Two, they expect the kid to run. Well forget that game, they'll be on our ass all night. You want to win a race, you break your opponents leg, Rolly said. This is perfect chance to thin their numbers, give them some wounds to deal with.

Rolly began walking back to Ewan, when she reached him, she made a spinning motion with her finger signaling for him to turn around.

Do I want to know reason three? the voice finally asked.

I’m not leaving my damn guns behind, Rolly replied. 

She put the bag on the boys back, quickly fitted the straps around him, and tightened them snuggly to his shoulders. Then she turned him back around and knelt in front of him. She pointed to her eyes with middle and index finger and then pointed at his. She waited to his eyes were lost in hers.

“Step where I step, stop when I stop,” she whispered the reminder. 

Ewan nodded meekly. Still unsure if she should trust her, but seemingly aware that he had no alternatives.

He followed behind her as she made her way to the alternate corner of the room then stopped in front a maintenance ladder built into the sidewall that headed up into the buildings rafters. She stepped between him and the sight of his mother's body, quickly angling him to face the ladder before he thought to look. The kid understood and started to climb. She took a last look at the entrance to the stockroom, then another look at her watch to see how much time they'd burned before following up behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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