Chapter 32: Galaxy show

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"She'll be fine miss, I'll find a way to track her" Enzo tried to assure Chantel after she had explained everything. She had been trying to reach Rana for a while now and no sign of her since last night.

"I think someone adopted her" Enzo said.

"Marcus and Yulia, this is surely their work. They don't want me to show up in the Galaxy show tonight" Chantel grab the trick already.

"That's immature" Enzo said with a calm face. Meanwhile, he's burning inside for an unknown reason.

"You think you can track her?"

"Of course, I can, but it's going to take a while. You need to stop worrying about Rana and try to focus on the Galaxy show tonight. I promise to bring Rana safe to you"

"Is Dom really going to come?" She couldn't help but ask.

"I won't lie, the chance if coming is low but Boss is definitely going to try everything just to see you on the runway.. so please focus for him" Enzo said gently.


"Finally, it's today" Yulia breath out smiling Sheepishly.

Her mood had been so bright today it gat Phoebe wondering. Isn't Yulia supposed to be anxious like she used to? She is walking on the runway with her greatest enemy tonight.


Reporters, interviewers, models, actors and many business men and women made their way to the red carpet.

The evening was lovely with the atmosphere enough to swell once heart.

The smile on the face of people there, tells it all.

It was finally the day people had been waiting for...


"With me here I have Mrs Tatiana, the famous actress who won the best actress award last year" an interviewer faced the beautiful lady beside her.

"Mrs Tatiana, can you please tell us how you feel at this moment" The interviewer asked.

"The Galaxy show is actually my favourite show that happens every year. I've never missed one ever since it started. The vibes here is so fucking good. I always feel glad to be here" Tatiana winked.

"The Galaxy show is happening, oh Gosh. People are so beautiful! Here" A famous actor said.

"If you are not here, then you are missing a lot!" A singer said.

"Which model would you like to see tonight?" The interviewer asked another actress.

"Uhm, for me it's Chantel McCarthy, I mean look at the her works two years ago.. she's awesome" the actress replied.

"For me it's Yulia, she's captivating"

"Veronica, she might not be famous but her work is cool, I can't wait to see her on the runway"

"Chantel McCarthy of course.. that model is fire"

"Chantel for life"


"Chantel!!!!" A fan of hers popped a champagne because of it.

"Chantel of course. Her body is crafted by God himself. I can't wait to see her on the runway I'm sure a show about to happen!"


Yulia thew the remote one side. Chantel's name was mentioned more than hers and she was been praised as fuck!

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