Chapter 7: The Chase

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When they were in sixth grade, only two years previous, the fve invented a game that they like to play called "wild goose chase." The residents of the town hated the game and the fve got into trouble many times when they played it; but it was just too exhilarating to give up. The game was a cross between tag and hide and seek– almost a daytime version of "ghost around the house." One person would be "it," and the other four would go hide in a predetermined area– usually a residential four-block square. Anything could be used to hide in: neighbors bushes, neighbors trees, neighbors gardening sheds, and then, after a count of one hundred, whoever was "it" yelled "wild goose chase," and began looking for the other four. The four who hid could not just stay put– their goal was to make it back to the steps of the house where they started. So, they had to move. They would try to gauge when would be a good time to move– to gain some ground. The person who was "it" would search out the hiders; and if he or she tagged one, they became a seeker as well until only one remained. On that rare occasion, the game was over and sole survivor won. Usually at least a couple would make it back to the home-base. The part that really irritated the neighbors was once someone was spotted, they could just make a break for it and try to run over, or through, anything to get to the home-base. That


run included jumping fences, pushing through bushes, or trampling fowerbeds to mention a few commonalities. The fve loved the game– it was wild.

The four emerged from the wooded area near Gabby's burning house– the opposite side of town from the maze. They could scan the streets before them as they crouched behind a row of bushes. They immediately saw their problem– the people of the town were apparently expert searchers. On every corner was a resident standing watch, the distraction didn't work after all. Quietly, Johnny whispered to the others, "Looks like we'll have one more game of wild goose chase guys."

Andy didn't look at him but said, "I think the rules have changed– that guy's got a gun." They all looked hard at the closest "block guard." Sure enough– cradled, at the ready in his arms, was a shotgun.

"They wouldn't actually shoot us?" Heather asked.

"You bet your ass they will." Teddy said, "Remember they want to sacrifce us, or at least used to– so they'll just maim you. They'll shoot me in the head." Heather didn't look so convinced, but when she turned her head she saw Andy and


Johnny both nodding seriously.

Andy tried to be positive, "We're faster than they are, and we know how to jump fences. Once we get to the maze, we know how to lose them."

Heather shuttered for a moment, "We can't go to the maze, they have the park guarded– they know."

Andy looked skeptical, "Are you sure?"

"Of course she is." Johnny said, "We go to the feld where the road was that once when we went into The Darkwood, do you remember?" The other three nodded. "I think we should split up." There was an almost audible groan from all three.

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