Chapter 6 Why Don't You Kiss Him?

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The downed craft's engines clunked in effort and then stopped working entirely. Heine and Liv approached the cabin door, guns aimed and alert. Whoever exits the hatch will meet their weapons first.

"Damn it"  The hatch opened and unexpectantly a crowd of Zombies barreled out.

Mark drew out his double blades. Several Zombies ran right toward Xiao Yan.

Stand UP! Come on!"  Liv shouted at Xiao. 

Feeling death was imminent, he didn't know where he found the strength to get up. With his left hand carrying the heavy box, he smashed it into theface of the zombie. The contact fragmented its skull and brain matter spattered outward.

The next was already upon him and Xiao had no weapon or strength. He watched helplessly as the corpse cracked open its  mouth, its yellowed teeth gnashing. Xiao closed his eyes, accepting his fate, when a sharp blade speared the zombie's mouth. Its teeth were mere centimeters away from Xiao's face.

His heart felt like it had already stopped beating.

With a thick slosh, that vibrated along Xiao's nerves, the sword pulled out leaving a wide puncture wound.The corpse pitched forward onto the ground. That familiar blade cut the night and Xiao glanced over at the indifferent expression of Heine Burton. Looking at him, Xiao Yan felt as though he were the one stabbed. This man has already penetrated deep into his mind; his presence firmly rooted in Xiao's awe of him.

Behind Heine is a sea of fallen zombies.  

He has cleared them all in less than aminute.

Mark kicked open the cockpit door and yelled out. "Boss!"

Heine turned away from Xiao as though he were an bothersome insect.

The pilots had committed suicide.

"Xiao, are you okay?" Liv hurried to his side and looking at his pale face realized he was hurt.

"Where is Captain White?" Xiao realized he hadn't seen him since the attack.

Liv bit her lips and Xiao followed her gaze. Captain White was laying under a tree, his face coated in blood. Clutching his shoulder, Xiao moved closer and saw that Captain White's head was shot clean through. He pushed a finger against his neck. Although his body was still warm, no pulse could be felt.

Bowing his head, Xiao felt a choking thickness in his throat. This is his first time seeing a companion die in front of him. It was his first time smelling this amount of blood.

The unique warm metallic scent of death.

"Xiao we must get to base 14 immediately."

Xiao nodded.

"We still have to get the Uranium back, the quicker the better so... " Liv trailed off.

"We have to leave his body here."Xiao finished her sentence.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ