Chapter 43 Terrible Creatures

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Xiao can't run as fast as Jane. When Jane reached to take Xiao's equipment, he firmly refused him.

"I can carry my own equipment pack." After saying this, not only did Xiao not hand him the pack but increased his speed trying to keep pace with Heine's troops.

"Haha. Colonel you seem to be a magnet for rejection". Sharon grinned and passed Jane..

They reached the Academy where several aircraft were waiting. The engines are running and the air whirls around them. Xiao Yan blinks, to clear his eyes, as he sees a faintly familiar figure waving at him from the front of the craft.

"Maya -" Xiao Yan swiftly ran forward.

Maya's proud mane streams behind him, a few wayward strands fly in the direction of the wind, a smile widens his mouth.

"Are you coming with us?"

Maya shook his head "Don't be ridiculous. Such a high risk mission would send me to my death with my current physical condition. If I have to be rescued by a tech for a second time I would have to throw away my pride as a special task force member."

Hearing this, Xiao's face instantly shadows with anxiety. Even with the limitations of his prosthetic limbs, Maya fighting abilities and strength are levels above Xiao Yan. If Maya doesn't think he can make it, what are Xiao Yan's chances for survival?

"I'm here to give you a ride." Maya gave Xiao a hug.

Heine stepped into the cockpit and then Liv and Mark entered. Soon the whole team was inside and only Maya and Xiao stood outside.

Maya pulled Xiao closer into his hold and spoke very seriously into his ear."Brother listen to me well. No matter what happens, go with Colonel Burton. Whatever he does, whatever he asks-- no matter how strange or inhumane or impossible. Try your best to do it."

Xiao Yan frowned and gave a muffled reply against Maya's shoulder, "I know."

"Very good, go." Maya's strength is still astounding and he easily pushes Xiao into the aircraft.

Mark was eagerly waiting to lock Xiao safety device f r him. As Maya pulled the door closed, he shouted past the engines, "Come back and have a drink!"

Xiao gave Maya a thumbs up gesture and the craft took off. He sighed in relief. Opposite of him sat Liv and beside him was Mark. The seating arrangement was the same as their previous mission.

"Ah, rookie it has been so long since I have worked with you. Now don't run around on your own, understood." Mark stretched his burly arm out and mussed Xiao Yan's hair.

To think that, when Sharon had called him a rookie, he had acted all righteous and offended on his behalf!

Xioa Yan let out a deep breath and then realized that de didn't know anything about their mission.

"Liv, where are we going?"

"A cave." Liv quickly replied but then hesitated before continuing. "Xiao Yan remember that report you submitted regarding the data you collected on that level 1?"

"I remember."

That time they had landed on top of the mountain, a level 1 climber sneaked up unnoticed by the team. Fortunately Heine was quick to react to the threat. If not, Xiao would be dead. Xiao Yan had suspected that his Level 1 was genetically modified and submitted his suspicions to the Central Academy of Science. The academy did not comment or respond in any way to his report. Xiao Yan assumed no one was interested in hi s conjectures..

"The Central Academy of Sciences General Ervel has attached a high level priority on your report. He sent troops to investigate and they finally found the cave. It is the secret base of the Surge organization. We have to destroy the base, and delete the research data."

Xiao lowered his head and creased his brows. This task was far more intimidating than he had thought. Since the base belongs to Surge research, there will be surge assassins and they also must face an unknown-- The zombie they were researching. What monsters have they created? The Level 1 they encountered had caused him concern, who knew what was in that base. but it was definitely more sinister than a level 1 zombie.

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