What In The World?

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"What?" I asked Abu with shock written over me. How can Abu say such a thing? He knew about Salim and I, why then did he think I would just accept this new dude? I mean, we are not even talking about friendship here. "Abu, I don't know the man in question. How can I get married to him? Does he even know me?"

"He's seen a picture of you, his parents consented to the union between you and him. The El-Nafaty's are good people. We've been friends for sometime now Amal dear."

"Abu why do agree with this? Why do you want to ruin my life with an arranged marriage?"

"My dear one, I'm only thinking about what's best for you all. I know I don't have much time, I can feel it. I'm only after your comfort. I'm indebted to a lot of people my child. Please, let me at least die happily when the time comes." Abu looked sad, so sad my heart broke in pieces.

"I promised Salim. How can I..." I said, trying to choke back the tears. "What would they think of me?" I couldn't help it as I crashed on the ground with tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.

Abu was not happy. He stretched his hand to pat my back. From the way he spoke, I could tell he was crying. "You must be ashamed of me now my child. I truly am sorry. It feels like I'm using you as collateral too. Will you ever be able to forgive your old man? Wi... Will you?" He faltered.

Today was the legit worst day of my life. To think that I was so happy yesterday. My life is coming to an end. It's not just Abu who feels like he's dying, I do too. Truth be told, if Abu does exit this dunya, I'll become a walking dead in a totally different home.

"Ummu Lekia?" Abu's voice strained as he called Ummi.

I knew I had to be strong for their sake but my heart was numb right now, it lost it's beat. I sprung my pathetic self up.

Ummi dashed in the room, I think she feared he was experiencing an attack or something.

"Abu Amal." She said softly.

"Please help me plead with your daughter, I can't do this anymore." He turned his face to the wall, so he wouldn't look at me. I've never seen Abu cry, even when the odds added up against him, he stood strong saying he'd wait for the sun after the flood. He probably realized that he wasn't practicing what he preached right now and felt ashamed.

"Amal," Ummi sniffed. "Please come with me."

I followed my mom in slow movements to my own room. She sat on my messy bed and gestured for me to sit. I did so.

"Amal, my dear girl, there are something's that happen without our plan, life tends to take a different turn without us realizing it, Allah tests us in different ways but do we give up? No, we trust in him to easy our affairs. Amal, marrying the El-Nafaty's eldest son will not be the end of your life. I raised you up as best as I could and Zayed also seems to be a good boy."

"But love cannot be bought Ummi. Isn't Hubun important?" I inquired.

"Hubun can be developed Amal. You gave all your heart to Salim but he might not be your future my dear."

"If that's the case, I wish my future be rewritten in such a way that I do not hurt Salim whom I love dearly."

"Allah forbids it, he has written it and that's how it'll be. If Zayed won't be the best for you in this Dunya and in the Akhirah, then may Allah not let things work between you two. Amal, our future lies in the decision you make. Choose wisely."

I didn't know what else to say. Right now my future didn't lie on what I felt deep down.

"What is wrong with Abu?" I asked, that should have been my first question since I entered the house.

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