Chapter thirty three

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Who did he think he was? He had just barged into my pack and decided to retrieve me like a lost toy. The anger bubbles in my core as I shove my keys into the ignition of my beat up car. I slowly pull out of the driveway to Lance's house, a trail of steam following behind me.

I floor it once I hit the highway, turning the knob on my radio to full blast. Today had been a terrible day. I set my cruise control to 80 mph before I took off my jacket as delicately as I could. Blood had soaked through the thin material. After I peeled it off, I try my best to get a glance at the wound on my neck through my rear view mirror.

There is a significant gash in my neck, as if I was bitten by a vampire. Cody's teeth had sank deep, but missed any major arteries. I should heal up in a few days, but for now the blood continues to seep out while it was exposed.

The dark clouds begin to cry, letting small droplets hit my windshield. My drive home is short from Lance's estate. I throw the car into park and trudge my way up the stairs to my apartment.

Stuck to my door with a red thumb-tack is a small white piece of paper. I rip the paper down, squinting at the small writing.

Please reconsider my offer

Zane. I flip the paper over and see a phone number. I groan out in frustration, crumple the paper and chunk it down the stairs.

I open the door and see exactly how messy my life has become. Clothes are thrown all over my couch and the floor. Empty beer bottles have created themselves a home on my coffee table next to old take out food. The floor is desperate for a vacuum and my bed covers aren't even facing up.

I let out a deep sigh, throwing my keys onto my dresser. After today, I am in need of a good cry.

So that's exactly what I do. I find a bottle of whiskey hiding deep in my kitchen cabinet. It is dusty but unopened. I make my way to the couch and plop down.

I do not pour myself a drink. I drink straight from the bottle. There I sit, for hours, staring at a blank tv screen. I didn't turn on any lights in my apartment. I sit in the darkness, listening to the soft rain as I drown in my own self pity.

I realize halfway through the bottle when this all started. Everything changed when Aiden died. The day he died was the day I lost my own life. My revenge plot on Zane was just a distraction, a way for me to feel like I had a purpose in life. I walked around with pride on my shoulders because I thought I was doing the world good.

But my life ended the day Aiden's did. My career ended with him. He died and I never had my heart in it anymore. Working at a prison wasn't the same. There was no allure, no life, no point. The only time I had ever had a purpose was with Zane. Cole had made me feel like I had a purpose with all of his promises of a bigger picture.

But now that was all over.

I had lost my career. I had lost my mate. I had lost everything. I had nothing left in this pack.

The rain has picked up some with the sun setting. Stray beams of lightning paint across the clouds followed by loud booms. I raise my hand, looking at the empty bottle. Only this time I don't feel drunk, I just feel numb.

I slide off of the couch and drag my feet to the bathroom. I take my hair down from it's pony tail, washing the makeup off of my face. I look ghostly. The purple bags under my droopy eyes, the gash in my neck that still bleeds slightly.

I grab a large band aid and place it over the bite, pressing firmly. A small tear tugs at my eyes as I take in my appearance. I look like hell on wheels.

I grab the keys off of my dresser and open my front door. Chilly winds hit me in the face, reminding me that winter is coming. I slip on a black hoodie and make my way down the stairs in search of another bottle. Before I enter the rain, I pull my hood over my head.

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