Chapter Thirty-One

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I know it's short before anyone moans at me, but if you're lucky you might get chapter thirty-two tomorrow :)

Chapter Thirty-One

Seth winced as the sharp claws and serrated teeth of one of the demons tore through the hard muscle of his back. He reached around and gripped onto its neck before it could tear another chunk out of him and snapped its arm at the elbow. The demon screamed and writhed in agony as he delivered another blow, this time fatal. He expected the other demons to attack, but they started to back away from him, unsure of what it was they were dealing with, much to the annoyance of Ipes who was screaming at them to kill him.

“It seems your little friends don’t want to play anymore,” Seth told him with a sarcastic smirk.

Ipes growled as his demons backed away and looked to him, “What are you doing, I said kill him!” he roared in frustration.

Seth shook his head in amusement and glanced over at Marcus and Paige who were watching him. Paige looked terrified but Marcus just looked bored, “Take her into the church; she doesn’t need to see this.”

Marcus nodded in agreement and tried to pull Paige towards the church, but she refused to move. She was not going to be pushed around, or bossed around by Seth any longer. She knew he just had her best interests at heart but she was sick of being treated like a child. She had been through more than most over the last few weeks and that demon had been the cause of most of it, she wanted to see him die.

Marcus looked over at Seth and shrugged his shoulders, earning him an angry glare from Seth, “Take her inside.” He told him again.

Paige shook herself free from Marcus’s grip and moved towards Seth, an unwise move as Ipes lunged at her and wrapped his hand around her throat. He smiled as he saw Seth’s eyes widen. He had control now, he was beginning to think he was going to be killed, but now he was holding the key to Seth’s demise.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” he informed him, pulling Paige closer, and breathing her scent in.

April suddenly seemed to come to her senses and stepped forward towards Ipes, “Don’t harm her, take me instead.” She demanded.

Seth raised his eyebrows at her suggestion and shook his head; if he could prevent it then none of them was going to die. The only ones he wanted dead were Ipes and his demon companions.

“Have Paige, I don’t care,” Seth muttered with a shrug.

Ipes looked at him curiously, not believing for a second that he did not care. He was trying to call his bluff, and it was not going to work. He traced his fingers over the soft skin of her cheek, and extended his claws, scratching her skin and drawing blood.

The blood trickled from the little cut on her cheek, and Ipes leaned in and caught the stream of blood before it spilled onto her clothes. She gasped and her chest heaved with her erratic breathing. Ipes revelled in the scent of her fear, something about the smell of fear always made him feel stronger, it enticed the beast within, taunted it, begged it to reveal itself.

“Can you hear that?” he whispered in her ear.

Paige refused to meet his cold eyes, eyes that were devoid of any emotion she could not look into them, she knew then that there was no better nature. He was death personified, he was dark dangerous and lived for one thing, and that was to torture and kill.

“Your heart tells me that you fear me. Do you fear me Paige?” he growled.

Seth, April and Marcus watched on, unable to do anything. One wrong move, one foot out of line and he could slice through her neck, like a hot knife through butter. Seth was struggling to control himself, his fangs elongating and an involuntary hiss leaving his mouth at the sight of his mate in danger.

Paige forced herself to calm down; she took several deep breaths before she looked into the black depths of those cold, evil eyes. She wished she hadn’t looked because as soon as she did, she felt an overwhelming sense of dread. The feeling wrapped around her, it darkened her thoughts, everything she had ever seen, everything she had ever felt was being replaced with memories that weren’t hers.

 She felt sick as death, and brutal scenes of murder flashed through her mind, his thoughts. She tried to push her happier thoughts to the front of her mind, tried to expel him from her mind. She imagined a meadow next to a stream on a hot summer’s day, a warm breeze wrapping around her, the smell of freshly cut grass enveloping her senses, but the image was soon pushed away. The flowers in the meadow began to wilt and die, the once crisp clear water of the stream turned a deep blood red, and the blue sky and white clouds vanished to be replaced by dark thunderstorms.

“Get out of my head!” she screamed.

She tried to think of happiness, but she just found herself sinking further into a pit of despair and depression. She opened her eyes and stared at Ipes as he smirked at her, she felt sick. He glanced over at Seth who was being held back by April and Marcus, and shook his finger at him.

“She’s not the Paige you knew, not anymore. I’ve sucked all of the goodness from her. She’s just an empty shell, without the ability to feel anything.” He said with a cruel smirk.

April called out to Paige and when she turned around, she stared at her blankly, as though she didn’t recognise any of them. She looked down at her hands and frowned and that was what did it for Seth, he knew then that Ipes had wiped so much from her mind, that she didn’t even know who she was. He shoved past April and Marcus and flew at Ipes, sending them both crashing into a nearby crypt.

Marcus and April rushed over to Paige, but she didn’t react at all. Marcus gripped her by her shoulders and shook her, but it was useless. She was unresponsive, her once bright eyes and soft smile, gone, replaced with a look of defeat, a look of pure misery.

“I’ll take her into the church, I know a spell that can fix this.” She told him looking back towards Paige.

Marcus didn’t know whether he could trust April alone with Paige, especially whilst she was so vulnerable. He had no choice, he needed to kill the last few demons, and he could see they were already bracing themselves to help their master.

“Do what you have to, but if you harm her, I’ll kill you myself.” He warned.

He saw the flash of fear in April’s eyes and was pleased that she seemed to heed his warning. She grabbed hold on Paige’s arm and pulled her towards the church, intent on fixing the mess she had caused.

 Can you check out this story by Prince Pegasus, it's called Innocence and it's really good here is the link and for those reading on mobile the code is 12718569 Thanks :)

The Vampire Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora