Chapter Six

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 Chapter Six

It had been four days since he had told her to leave, and once she had seen the evil in his eyes as he prowled across the room towards her she ran and didn’t look back. He could have easily caught her, but he let her run.

The sound of Zak singing out of tune brought her back round from her daydreaming and she shielded her eyes from the blinding sun to look at him. This was how she spent her time of late; lying on the bench trying to get a tan, whilst he worked on the garden, and thankfully it was starting to look like a garden again.

“Your singing is awful!” she told him honestly.

Zak shut up and looked at her with a smirk, “Oh lady muck is awake!”

“Excuse me?” she said with a giggle.

They had been getting on well and he had taken to calling her lady muck, because all she did while he worked was lounge around sipping iced drinks and sunbathing, and why not she had taken some time off work to relax.

“You were snoring like a pig!” He told her with a straight face.

“I do not snore!” She hissed sitting up and looking around with a yawn.

“You do talk in your sleep though,” he said sitting down on the bench next to her.

“What was I saying?” She asked curiously.

“You kept saying the name Seth?” He said cheekily sipping her drink.

Paige froze and then smiled, “How strange.”

Zak shrugged and stood up stretching out; Paige tilted her head to the side noticing a tattoo on his shoulder that she had never spotted before.

“What is that supposed to be?” She asked touching it.

It was an odd-looking symbol with intricate swirls around it, “Oh I don’t know I just liked it.”

Something told her that he knew exactly what it meant, but she didn’t press the matter any further and lay back down on the bench. Zak lifted her head up and sat down dropping her head back in his lap.

“Fancy a drink tonight?” He asked moving her hair from her face.

They had become quite close over the last few days and she had opened up to him quite a bit, “Yeah if you want to.”

“I’ll cook if you want me to,” he offered.

“Are you sure you can cook, I don’t want food poisoning.” She laughed.

Zak huffed at her, “Maybe lady muck should cook for herself then.”


Seth was lying on his bed; listening to them, he was tired of hearing their flirting it made him feel sick. Knowing that Zak’s intention was to get her into bed only made things worse, and she was falling for his charms.

He could kill him, get him out of the way, the thought of him having her affection was something that wound him up no end. He couldn’t have her but he was damn sure he wouldn’t allow that pitiful excuse of a man to have her.

The way she giggled at him and teased him was sickening, he couldn’t see what it was they were doing out there but he was sure that he had his filthy hands all over her, tainting what belonged to him.

Rolling over on the bed with a sigh, he had to face reality. He couldn’t condemn her to a life of loneliness just because he didn’t want anyone else to have her. Why shouldn’t she feel love and have a normal human life with children. He had just convinced himself that Zak was wrong for her, and that his intentions were not honourable, but then the more he thought about it, the more he realised he was going to be like it whenever she met a man.

“God damn you!” He hissed to himself when he heard her giggling again.

What were they doing out there? Why was she giggling like that, he so desperately wanted to see what was going on, it was almost worth burning to death just to see how beautiful she looked in the sunlight.

He wasn’t going to get any sleep with them out there, he needed to rest though, he was erratic without sleep it had never been a good mix, he tended to go on killing sprees when he had been without sleep it heightened his lust for blood. If he didn’t rest, he would hurt her, the first place he would go was round to her house, and he couldn’t let that happen.

He paced around in the basement of his house for hours, he needed to go away for a few days to try and clear her out of his mind, because at this moment in time he was ready to go up there and rip that prick to shreds and claim her.


Paige was putting the rubbish out while Zak was cooking dinner and as she reached the end of the drive, she noticed a piece of paper stuck between the bars of her gate. Pulling the paper away, she opened it up and didn’t understand what it meant, it looked like it had been ripped out of a book and to make matters worse it was in Latin.

She took the piece of paper inside and shoved it in her pocket deciding against showing it to Zak. Who the hell was she going to get to translate Latin to her, there was only one person who could possibly have an inkling to what it meant and he had told her to keep away from him.

“What are you doing?” Zak shouted from the kitchen.

“I’m just taking the rubbish out!” She shouted back, needing an excuse to leave the house again.

She grabbed a pen and some paper from her handbag and quickly scribbled a note on it and pushed it through Seth’s front door. Then she ran back to her house, scared that he would be furious if he caught her there.

Zak was serving their dinner up when she got back into the house and she took a seat at the table and started to eat it, she was surprised at how nice it was and gave him a thumbs up which he just chuckled at.

“This is really good,” she said licking her lips.

“I know it is, I can cook you know,” he told her biting into his own steak.

“Oh my god how can you eat it when there is that much blood coming from it?”

Zak shrugged and carried on eating it, he should have cooked it a little more he didn’t want her becoming suspicious of him, couldn’t risk exposing himself for what he truly was. The human side of him was falling for her, but the other side he was fighting with, because the other side wanted to tear her apart.

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