~Chapter 3 The promise~

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After she met all the Coven leaders, Alice knew a few things. She won't go into Vitimirs basement alone because it's dark and scary, but actually he's a nice person. Mason doesn't talk much, but when he says something it's either serious or a pun.

And she'll never place a foot in Terra's greenhouse again. But here she is, fiddling with her fingers while Hettie and Terra are talking about plants. She felt uncomfortable, Terra wasn't mean to her, but Alice still had a weird feeling about her, as if she's planning something evil...

Every few seconds, she looked at the door, hoping someone would come and get her.

~Same time different place~

Darius stood in the Door frame, looking at a completely empty room. Where are Alice and Raine? They were supposed to meet up here, so where are they? Maybe they made their way to the kitchen to get breakfast?

Nearly running, Darius made his way to the kitchen, but halfway through, he bumped into Raine. Who looked completely perplexed. "Raine! Finally, I found you and Alice- wait, where is she?"
Raine turned around to look Darius in the face: "I don't know! I was in her room to wake her up, just like we agreed, but her room was empty. So I went to search for her."

Darius was shocked. The Emperor's Castle isn't the safest place for an eight-year-old child. Hopefully she's not in danger. "Then let's ask the other Coven leaders, maybe they saw her. I would start with Mason, since his workplace is the nearest. Let's go" And without further talking, the two went to look for the child.

~Back in the greenhouse~

Alice's Pov

I need to get out of here. I can't stand the Atmosphere here, I don't know what's going on, but my Tummy hurts and that's a bad sign. But how? I don't know where Darius is.. and Hettie's talk with Terra doesn't seem to end. Suddenly I got an Idea, I just act like I forgot something in Mason's workplace, then I go there, and I'll figure something out then. The more important thing is to get out of this place.

"Miss Hettie? Look, I think I forgot my Hair tie in Mason's workplace... Imma go and get it, okay?" Hettie turned around and looked at me in confused: "Sure, but I could come with you if you want.?" "Nono it's fine, I know the way." Hettie looked at me in disbelief: "Uhm okay..." and with that Hettie turned around to continue her talk with Terra.

Finally, I made it out of there. Now, Mason's workplace is right around the corner. I hurried on the way there, I don't want to get into weird conversation, and I especially don't want to go back into the Greenhouse.

I was only a corner around of Mason's door, when I heard voices talking. By listening more closely, I heard a Voice of someone I didn't know and the Voice of Darius!

Happily, I ran out of my hiding place towards Darius. "Dariusssss!" Darius turned around, and instantly I saw his face light up. "Little Princess! There you are! Geez I was so worried, Terra found you and wrapped you in her vines. Come here." I ran up to him, and he lifted me up. I was so glad that I founded him, I started crying, which Darius noticed. "Hey kid, why are you crying?"

"I- I'm just happy so see you again. I don't want to go back to the Greenhouseee and that scary Plantladyy." Darius looked at me in shook, "Plant lady? Alice listen, from now on, I'll look after you and I promise, you never have to go near someone you don't like. Plus, I'll never leave you again. I promise."

Authors note

Yey, one day late but still!

We'll see each other to the new chapter next Week!
I can't say if Friday or Saturday but next week. I promise.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 //The Owl House Where stories live. Discover now