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The news about Casey becker and Steven orth spread like a wildfire, and Sébastien couldn't believe that they were brutally killed.

He was in pain, but he managed to get to school. "Hey, are you okay?" Stu questioned

"Mm? Oh yeah, I'm fine," Sébastien replied with a small smile, a small ache in his stomach

"You don't look so good," stu told him, "I'm just feeling a little sick, that's all," Sébastien told him,

"Sick? You should've stayed home Sébastien," stu said in a worried tone ,"I'm fine, the pain would settle soon,"

"Pain? Are you in pain? You should've really stayed home," stu told him,

"I'm fine, stu, really," Sébastien said, "what's wrong?" Billy questioned, coming up to them,

"Sébastien is sick and in pain ," stu said, "What? And you didn't stay home? Come on, you're going back home," billy told him and Sébastien shook his head, "no, I'm fine billy, I am, I can get through the day plus won't it look suspicious if I skip a day after two people were murdered?" Sébastien questioned,

Billy and stu shared a look before Billy sighed," Fine, but you're staying with me and stu all day," Sébastien just nodded

"That I can do. You guys are very great company," he told them with a smile, billy and stu smiled,

"Come in, let's head to class," Billy said, and soon, the three of them headed to class.
The pain seemed to have worsened, and Sébastien couldn't take it anymore. He was in the bathroom crying in pain. Nobody that came in seemed to care. They just walked past him

"Sébastien?" Stu walked inside and made sure no one else was in the bathroom before locking the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his eyes worriedly looking down at Sébastien, "it hurts, Stu. It really hurts. It feels like I'm dying." Sébastien cried out and stu froze , his eyes looking sadly at Sébastien

"I know, Sébastien that it hurts. It will pass soon, I promise you." Stu told him and Sébastien whimpered, "can you hold me, stu?until the pain passes?" Sébastien questioned, and stu nodded sitting next to him and Sébastien curled up to him.

Stu was fighting hard to fought back his tears. He wanted nothing more than to hold Sébastien but he couldn't. He wanted Sébastien to stop being in pain.

"I'm so sorry, Sébastien. I wish I could go back in time and change everything about that day. " stu whispered but Sébastien didn't hear him

"I wish you were really here with me."
- - -
The pain seemed to have passed after a few hours and Sébastien seemed more relaxed but he was tired and all he wanted to do was sleep.

He was walking home from school. Billy and stu said they had something to do and everyone else was busy.

"Sébastien?" His elderly neighbor Mr. Gilbert questioned in surprise and shock. Sébastien smiled, "oh, hi Mr. Gilbert. I didn't see you there. "

Mr. Gilbert shock turn into relief and acceptance. Which was weird but Sébastien didn't thought much of it.

"It's good to see you again, Sébastien. I hope you have a wonderful day. " Mr. Gilbert told him with a smile "you too Mr. Gilbert. See you around," Sébastien waved before continuing his walk.

It wasn't long before he reached his house. He walked inside and smiled as he heard his father in the kitchen ,"dad!"

"Dad, did mom call?" Sébastien questioned excitedly. All he wanted was to talk to his mom and sleep but he wanted to talk to his mom first.

His dad didn't answer him instead was making food. He went over and grabbed three plates before he froze and he sighed before returning two of those plates.

"Right. It's just me." His father sadly whispered ,"oh, I'll um..just be in room then." Sébastien walked away and towards his room.

He dropped himself on his bed and grabbing the stuff bear his dad gave him when he was little.

"Dad, I wish you could stop hating me."
Word count - 675

Hope you enjoy!

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