Fourteen: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

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For the past twenty minutes, I have been staring rather blankly at the wall, my mind a little fried from the unexpected fight. I've never actually met a witch doctor before, and holy Hera that guy was seriously jacked up on power.

He didn't show it, not blatantly so. But being a witch myself, I can feel the immensity of his magical energy, almost like reading his aura. Dude turned into a raven though! Fudge nuggets, that means he knows his fair share in luck magic and shadow magic, as well as shapeshifting. Knowing my appalling lack of luck, he probably majors in divination as well. Witch doctors, man.

We returned to our room after the encounter, and Bucky has been kind enough to let me sit and ponder about the situation. Which is exactly what I'm doing. Sitting and pondering, cross legged on my bed, Lady still stir crazy on the floor; glasses once again perched atop the bridge of my petite nose. My right hand is propping my chin up in thought, my left resting on my crossed thigh and with my index finger tapping away like it always does when I think. I can still sense Bucky's inquisitive gaze immovably focused on the side of my face, T'Challa curled in his lap and allowing Bucky's soothing coddling to assuage him.

Right, I can't think clearly if he keeps staring at me like that.

"Hey Buck?" I abruptly shatter the silence, tenderly turning to face the assassin.

Immediately, Bucky sits up a little straighter. He blinks at me readily, as if awaiting some kind of command or course of action. Poor guy, he hasn't got a clue when it comes to magic. That's probably how our partnership is going to work; everything HYDRA and human-threat related will be handled by him, whilst everything magic and supernatural related will be managed by me. Not that I'm responsible enough to manage anything at all; I can barely take care of myself and my own pets.

"I saw a local food and health store down the street," I inform him, fidgeting and tucking a strand of my long ebony hair behind my ear. "Do you mind running down there and buying some white sage incense and tea please? I've run low and we need to stock up. Plus, I always find I think calmer and clearer after a cup of the stuff, eases my nerves and what not."

He hesitates, hands pausing in their petting of T'Challa. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone."

Always looking out for me, like my own personal third guard dog. "I'll be fine; the spirits here seem to like me. Please take Lady with you, she needs a walk." I spare the now snoring Everest a watchful eye. "Ye mighty Bernese Mountain dog you are. No ghost could sneak up on you."

Not entirely happy with the decision, but nonetheless kind enough to do so without further argument, Bucky nods once in acquiescence and gingerly lifts T'Challa to rest him on his bed, collecting the spare cash on the dresser under the TV as well as Lady's leash and making his way to the door. He pauses in the door way after leashing Lady up, quiet and brooding as ever, and throws one more glance at me over his shoulder. "Call if you need anything."

"I need a will to live and all the answers to what the frick frack just happened, but I don't think you can buy that with $20 at the local food store. Thanks though."

Turning back to stare blankly at the maroon wallpaper, I listen to the sound of the assassin closing the door behind him and treading down the hall impossibly quietly, steepling my hands together and resting them against my lips, allowing myself a single moment of peace before the inevitable. Reaching forward for my phone, I unlock it and scroll through my not-too-many contacts, coming up to the one under the snowflake emoji. Placing the phone to my ear, I patiently wait for an answer from the other end of the line.

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