Sixteen: Somebody Get Me A Therapist

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Disclaimer: There's a part early in the chapter where Tori talks about Wakanda (no spoilers for Black Panther, dw) but being the first white Wakandan by citizenship, is obviously gonna cause some race problems. We don't live in a perfect world without racism. I only dust over it, but it is there. Obviously I don't have any racist or malicious intent (you could probably make another United Nations out of my friend group we have so many different ethnicities, moi being half Latin American [Spanish, Chilean, Peruvian] myself) so I mean no offence whatsoever to anyone in this chapter or book.

Oh, there's also a brief mention of a language called Wiccari, which is a fictional language of my own making that I elaborate on in later chapters. Just an FYI, because it's not a language used by any practicing Wiccans in real life.

Anywho, continue!


I have somehow found myself in quite the crisis, dear readers.

I honestly haven't the faintest idea what I am to do. I don't exactly want to upset good, hard working officers of the law by illegally breaking out of the precinct, but I am already a criminal—

Oh my Hades I'm a criminal. I'm a criminal. A legitimate, going to go to jail kind of criminal. Why is this only occurring to me now?

The very idea of breaking the law is far from appealing to me, and yet, by withholding information of Bucky's whereabouts, that's immediately obstruction of justice. Pair that with grand theft auto and harbouring a fugitive, that's at least eleven or twelve years in prison.

I don't have time to hyperventilate now, not with Bucky in the middle of his daring escape plan. Oh Baal I hope he doesn't hurt any of them. He won't kill them, will he?





Or will he?

Regular, every day people. That's all these officers are. They're human, with normal police academy training. They don't stand a chance against the Winter Soldier, so I hope that Bucky isn't too upset with them for escorting me down to the station like this. There are so many things to be concerned about with all of this.

Perhaps I should make a list, just to organise my own insanity.

Concern 1: My literal partner in crime could murder these nice people doing their jobs in cold blood.

Concern 2: If people do die (please refer to concern 1) I will very highly likely begin to freak out and try to bring them back in their limited window.

Concern 3: (Only a concern in cases that concerns 1 and 2 occur) If I bring people back from the dead, I will reveal magic to the mortal world, which will not only result in the Maleficarum condemning me and probably burning me at the stake, but will freak all mortals out (not like aliens and gods are enough).

Concern 4: (Only a concern in case of concern 3 occurring) I don't want to die.

Concern 5: If I stay and don't fight, I definitely go to jail.

Concern 6: (Only a concern in case of concern 5 occurring) I don't want to go to jail.

Concern 7: If I leave, then that means the FBI is on our butts. Bucky and I may have nice butts, but I want it (them) FBI free.

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