Define the Story's Setting and Type

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I'm not going to start where the dream began. Seems to me, starting before the Captain gets his brain altered might be better. So we need to figure if we'll start with a bang or start off slow and build up tension.

I'll start the story with build up since there's a mystery for the MC to solve.

There will not be lots of gore since this is something everyone can read for a helpful idea. No bad language, sex, and so on.

The MC's brain will be altered. Ideas: Maybe an energy scan and blast. Maybe nanites. Maybe a god-like alien materializing in front of him.

After thinking about it, I'll go with a nanite approach. I might not mention nanites specifically in the story.

Some Star Trek Borg-like visuals for certain scenes. The rest could be more like Aliens the movie with a more simple Earth-based tech for the human-made spaceship. Ladders and close quarters like a submarine and not elevators and well-lit interiors.

The little flower spider will be a mostly harmless creature picked up along with the plants from some alien world.

The big, ugly, dull rusty-red, and wrinkled alien will be hell-bent on getting to the captain. He'll have a lot of tech on like the Predator because he will need the tech to make his way past the ship's security. I'd add some of that to the character's Bio.

The ship is nowhere near Earth or other human help. No warping straight to a space station or planet to escape the situation.

I want the MC to win. But whether the Ugly alien is the enemy or the aliens who altered his brain are the enemies I haven't decided yet.

Perhaps both aliens have their side of the story, and the ship's crew got caught in the middle with no one being evil. That's how I usually tend to write.

I think that will be good enough to start on the outline.

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