Deux ɬ 2 (BWWM)

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Twenty-two days at sea. That was the time required for them to sail from the Curianese Kingdom to a world different and far beyond anything their people could conceive.

During the trip, water surrounded them in all directions for the longest time.

Adonia wrestled in her mind to recall any other adventures when she remained away from her home longer than two or three days. Even then an entire procession of family and servants, including at least one of her parents, all traveled together on LAND.

Often, Adonia's thoughts were lulled into the freedom of drifting back to shores forever tied to her sense of self. It was only during the excruciating occasions when she was sick that the young woman came to grips with being far away from home. Forced to race to the container employed solely to capture the vile contents expelled from her stomach, the princess came to realize how foolish she was for not appreciating her father's generosity and all he had made possible for her at the palace.

The side-to-side rocking of the grand vessel felt as if the boat was laughing as it forced her body to repeatedly betray its master. Never had she imagined such a travesty would befall her person. With more water ahead and weaknesses devouring her flesh, Adonia found it difficult to trust they would ever see land again.

Previously in her imagination, all she envisioned that awaited her at sea was extravagance.

Colorful flowers captivated her dreams. The smell of aromatics that were sweet enough to seduce the dullest of senses was all she longed for, but alas, that was not to be. As she cast deeply furrowed eyes across the vast expanse of dark odious water, the princess considered if their voyage would ever come to an end.

Though the water wasn't as terrible as the princess perceived it, her joy was affected by it, and naturally, the sea became her enemy.

Adonia had always been one to enjoy her meals before embarking on the journey, but due to the rocking motion created by the waves, she learned to abhor all food. Her only true goal for the rest of the trip was to at least keep down a bit of broth and a few bites of bread.

Missing her meals was a fate worse than death but what could she do?

"Princess, how are you feeling today?" Maiden Malumi inquired.

The princess spoke not a word as she struggled to quiet her thoughts as well as her wayward stomach.

Lounging lifelessly in her cabin, the princess focused on the information that had been relayed to her a few days prior. She was informed it would all soon come to an end.

Wishful thinking in mind, Adonia peered into the maiden's earth-brown eyes weary of her plight yet unwilling to put up a fuss. After all, she was far too exhausted. Her body ached and her tongue felt heavier than usual.

Reaching out to grasp her maiden's hand, she patted it moving her head to signal that she would be alright.

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Finally, the call informed the passengers that they were headed safely away from the expanse of the open seas. Those who were seasoned travelers aboard the vessel clamored on that they had been the victims of great fortune. The superstitious passengers expressed their suspicions that they were somehow protected. With no storms or pirates in sight, many of them went on about their utter delight at experiencing such smooth sailing conditions for a change.

The princess had initially hoped she would set sail with her father, instead, she disembarked from the ship onto new land following her first and second eldest brothers accompanied by a series of guards. While under the care of the first and second in line to the throne, the princess remained in close proximity to her maids as was her people's custom.

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