Sept ɬ 7 (BWWM)

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"Well. This is a most splendid introduction indeed." The Argentén King displayed unbridled excitement after witnessing the interaction between his son and the princess.

"Forgive me, your highness. But is it not against your decree for this foreigner to display such open affection toward a man who is not her husband?" A tall shapely blonde stepped  forward from the crowd as she addressed the Crown.

Dressed in a burgundy gown fashioned in the style of the Argentén Court, the intruder openly rebuked the foreign princess.

Regardless of her social status at court, the fact that the woman dared speak at such an auspicious occasion drew the unwanted glares of her betters despite her social status.

In the grand receiving room, only those who held the title of King, Crown Prince, Prince, Duke, Marquis, Count and some of their female counterparts were invited into that specific chamber. The king's advisors were also extended an invitation due to the matters of state which were frequently addressed in the inner sanctum of the royal palace.

"Marquess de Fontenot, this is not the appropriate juncture to raise such concerns." Étienne's eldest brother, Prince Antoine, clipped every syllable out to the interloper with his brows furrowed in displeasure.

"Pardon my intrusion. Forgive my rudeness... Princess." She curtsied gracefully towards Princess Adonia and quietly removed herself from view.

"Crowned Prince Njeko, please forgive my subject's inappropriate display."

Prince Njeko extended his hand in a motion signaling he excepted the King's request.

"The interruption is forgotten. However..."

The room instantly quieted as the haughtiness of his smooth baritone expressed his thinly veiled displeasure of the woman's interruption. Crowned Prince Njeko cast his eyes in the direction of the offender as he further addressed the matter.

He had yet to witness such a display in his kingdom. The Curianese people were given room to speak, but they never spoke out of turn, especially before guests.

"My sister is present today because our kingdoms have agreed to join one another as allies and family." He paused for added effect.

"This is true." The King simply replied.

"How can I leave my blood, a Princess of Curia, in your hands if one of your court openly expresses her displeasure before the marriage vows are exchanged?" His eyes and the king's met in a moment of stately understanding.

Because a treaty was favorable to both kingdoms, the Argentén King sought to ease the man's valid concerns.

"The Duke de Valois is one of my sons whom I cherish with my heart. I would refrain from recommending he and your dear sister, the Princess, be joined in marriage if I were not prepared to extend her my protection. The protection of the crown is sacrosanct. Anyone who dares lay a finger or so much as a wagging tongue on Princess Adonia will officially be considered to have committed treason." The King stood before them as he made a vow to the Royal Curianese Ambassadors.

"Wait. Your Highness... Brother... what are you saying?" Princess Adonia rattled on not sure of what she had heard.

"Yes, Your Highness. What is the meaning of this?" The Duke de Valois joined the princess's effort to make sense of the words that had been spoken.

"I requested that the princess remain with you for a reason. I sent the valet to flush her in your direction as I also sent a message for you to meet secretly with one of my advisors." The King explained.

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