Chapter 24

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I slept so hard that night. I didn't wake up until after ten in the morning. Holly was in the kitchen waiting for me. She was all smiles. Breakfast was still being kept warm on the stove. Grayson was working in the office. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "Great actually. I don't remember waking up the whole night." "You really wore yourself out yesterday. That was so kind of you to help us." "Holly, it's the least I could do for you. Look at all you have given me. Not just a place to live but love and affection. And the most wonderful thing, Grayson." I told her.

She had tears in her eyes. "Oh, sweet girl. I would do anything for you. You have always been a daughter to me." She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.  I saw all her loving emotions swirling around. "I have something to tell you." She said. "Your effort yesterday wasn't in vain. I started my period. I haven't had one since before I got pregnant with Grayson. I think it worked." I was stunned. I didn't know it would happen that fast. Had we really done it? Grayson entered the room and stared at us both. "What did I just walk in on? You two have the most amazing colors right now. All happy with anticipation."

"We think it worked!" Holly blurted. Her face turned red. "What? Your pregnant already?" he asked confused. "No, silly, but I think I will get pregnant. A woman can tell." "Okay, I believe you. You don't have to give me any more information. I will leave you two to discuss that." He said as he grabbed some bacon and left the room. Holly had already told Jack. She called Doctor Reynolds and explained it all to her. She suggested a visit to the lab to run some tests.

Her and I headed over right away. I was anxious to see just what was going on. The doctor did a few blood and urine tests and a full body scan. She compared the results to the last ones she had on record. "This is amazing. I can see your uterus is as healthy as it was before you got pregnant with Grayson. No scarring at all.  Your hormone levels are off the charts. Be prepared for some mood swings though. You look like a woman at her prime to get pregnant." We were stunned speechless. Did I really have the ability to help someone conceive? This would save our people.

At the meeting, Doctor Reynolds explained our newly discovered powers. She told everyone how we would help them and the results that Holly already had. There was excitement all around. Happiness, anticipation, hope, joy. She explained that we could only heal one couple per day. That sheer exhaustion didn't allow more than that. In our entire compound, there were a total of 17 couples. 12 said they wanted to try the procedure. Some felt they wouldn't live much longer and didn't want to start over with a child they may not be able to raise for long. A couple said they were happy with just the one child they had. So, if those couples had a baby, that would make 12 potential new children in our group. That was certainly better odds of survival than we had yesterday. I was satisfied with that. The Doctor made a list of all the couples and put them on a schedule for Grayson and I to heal over the next two weeks. We would be finished in time for our Bonding ceremony.

The next day we started the healing process. We did it in Doctor Reynolds lab. She made sure we had a couple of hospital beds we could rest in and a hearty lunch to eat before we started. The first couple told us a little about themselves. We had known these people our whole life. But we never knew about their troubles with getting pregnant. They were a bonded couple, but they had never had a baby. They were married for 248 years. They had been desperate to have a child. They went through the fertility treatments and invitro fertilization. They were devastated that nothing had worked. I could feel their sadness while telling us the story. I really hoped this would work for them. I saw the colors of hope circling them both.

Grayson and I started the same process we did with his parents. I felt more confident now that I knew what we were doing. I felt the same energy drain, but sooner than last time. It lasted a little longer. Her problems must have been more sever than Holly's. She cried after we finished and hugged me. After resting, we did her husband as well. Before they left, they gave me a photo of them with my parents I had never seen before. That was really special.

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