Chapter Six

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Hey! Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION not meant to imply anything about anyone or any organization in the work. Enjoy!


Harry wasn't going to make it. His lungs were constricting, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. His whole body was slick with sweat, his head pounding. He was done for. Tell his mom he loves her.

"Okay guys, great class! See you Thursday!" Jesy, the NYCB pliates instructor, called out only slightly out of breath. She seemed like a sweet girl, but Harry couldn't help but hate her after the last hour. Harry would never walk again. His career was over.

"You like the pliates classes here?" Eleanor piped up from somewhere above him. Harry turned to look at her from where he was laying down on his yoga mat. She looked like she took a shower in her own sweat. They made quite the pair. The Sweaty Sisters.

"Are you sure Jesy's not planning to give us heart attacks?" Harry asked, eliciting a laugh from Eleanor. She just offered him a hand to help his tired body stand up, and once he was upright, looped her arm through his.

"This was your idea, idiot. You just made me go with you." Eleanor said, even though Harry was pretty sure she was coming down here anyway. The only reason people go to the basement is for pliates. "Said it's part of your Bad Ass Harry Plan."

That's true. Harry had been feeling like a bit of a pushover with the whole Louis Situation and decided to take some initiative to make himself feel better. Step One was improving his dancing, where the pliates classes came in. Strong abs never hurt anyone. Step Two was taking tonight to do some self-care, maybe some face masks and a bubble bath. Destressing. Step Three was viciously pranking Louis. Starting tomorrow.

"Whatever." Harry said. "I'm headed home. You want someone to walk with you?" he asked.

"Nah. Liam's walking home with me since G is staying late for some fitting. See you, love!" Eleanor responded, walking up to Liam who was waiting for her a few feet away. Ever since this weekend, those two had been inseparable. Maybe they finally went on a date.

Harry walked out of the building, thinking that maybe he should find someone to date. Outside the company of course. While he was pondering this, he forgot where he was going and slammed directly into the door. He prayed nobody saw that. The high lilting male laugh he heard made him think that was a no.

Walking into Lincoln Center the next day, Harry felt excited for the first time in a while. He'd been taking Louis' shit for far too long. Harry wasn't gonna be afraid of him anymore. Two can play Louis' game.

Harry snuck into the locker room, knowing Louis was already in the studio with Gigi and Eleanor like he was every day. His predictable routine was extremely helpful when fucking with him. Harry found Louis' bag, sitting on a bench in front of his locker. Bingo. He walked over to it, trying to make sure nobody saw him, which was easy since the locker room was mostly empty save for Kevin. He hadn't spoken probably since about 2010.

He zipped open the bag, rummaging for what he needed. After finding it, he peeled the wrapper off, replaced the can, and put the wrapper back on. Now, Harry just had to get out of there before Louis' daily hairspray touch up.

All through class, Harry jumped higher and felt freer. Louis was sending him death glares when he thought Harry wasn't looking. Harry just ignored him, stepping right in front of him for the grande allegro combination. He knew Louis wouldn't say anything. That required Louis to talk to him.

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